Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Outdoor Work

I took no pictures today due to working my rear off! (oh, if only it were so easy!) However, we got a lot accomplished on this beautiful sunny and chilly day.

Tim and the little folk went to the farm were we get hay and picked up a load, for which the horses were so happy! Sandy poked her head out of the her stall door and supervised Tim and Lindsay loading it into the barn! She also kept getting little bites of hay as the bales went by!

Then Tim and Emily did some burning at our neighbors place. I don't know if you remember a few weeks back Tim took a some trees down here at our property and took a tree down for our neighbor. Today was the day to burn a lot of the branches that cannot be used for firewood.

Lindsay, the littles, and I weeded our front flower beds, and got it ready to move some plants out. Rachel, Sarah and Kyle did a fantastic job helping and it was so fun to work together!

Tim helped me (he did most of the work) move several of my plants from the front flower beds to the area where we had taken some trees out. This area borders our neighbors property and I think it is going to look so pretty now, instead of over grown with wild grapevines and other stuff. We moved small white iris, purple iris, a daisy mum that blooms in late summer, tall golden yellow flowers that I don't know the name of....I am also going to plant some cosmos there.

The girls handled another burn pile in our pasture...Nate and his girlfriend Kay came over to have Tim help them with something on their Blazer. They stayed for dinner - we had home made tacos! Man, they were fantastic! Yum!

Then I did some sewing this evening - I am making Rachel an Easter dress. Tim went to work for some hours this evening, taking an opportunity for overtime.

I am now ready to sleep....Good night and sweet dreams!


Becky K. said...

You crack me up...working your rear off. I'm still working on a solution to that which does not involve actual work. Nothing yet! is so nice that the little ones are getting old enough to really help. They will be so thrilled to see the fruits of their labor!

Becky K.

Cheri' said...

I am so jealous :-) It's still too chilly and muddy around here to do any sort of gardening or moving of plants! But this week it's supposed to warm up a lot more, so perhaps in the next week or two I can begin doing things in my gardens!

I love how your family works together and even when you've had a work day, you still make time for others with your amazing gift of hospitality! You're an inspiration to me!

Home Keeping

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