This sweet sewing machine has seen alot of action since we bought it several years ago. It was starting to have 'issues' making a simple project a nightmare to get a seam sewn properly...So we took it in for a check up.
She is home now, as of today in fact, and is eager to get sewing again, so Rachel and I headed to the fabric store this afternoon to get material for an Easter dress and a few yards for skirts.
The bottom fabric is a bright green that will have a sheer white eyelet overlay. It is going to be Rachel's dress. The middle fabric is going to be a skirt for Sarah and the top fabric actually has a light green background and will be a skirt for Rachel.
Add to this the skirts we were trying to make a few weeks ago, before she went to 'rehab' and this sweet machine is going to be one busy girl!
She is excited and so am I!
You are headed for your "happy place". That is what a stack of candle orders does for me.
How was the Online Program last evening?
Becky K.
I can't wait to see them finished!
oh....your projects seem great...can't wait to see either.
I am finishing my first quilt. Then I will be brave and forward on to the patterns. I'm am a way bit leary to start patters.
I love the fabric that you have choose.
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