Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Scenes From Monday

For some reason, blogger did not want to post these photos, I tried several times on Monday and several times today. But finally they posted!

Now you may wonder why I tried so hard to get these to post, and the answer is I wanted to show you what we have been doing.

Rachel and Sarah have been listening to Jonathan Park for science this year. These are stories of two families who work together to run a creation science museum and travel the world having adventures. In each story is so much science information. The love to listen to these, and have learned so much! We purchase them as mp3 downloads from . Then on the Jonathan Park website we downloaded the free study guides. Rachel has been working on hers for her portfolio. Emily has been working on a special art project for our granddaughter who is still in the womb. This is a beautiful Fraktur.

My friend Kelly came with her family, and finished her skirt. Maybe she will show a photo on her blog.

The kids played chess for hours and hours!

Oh, and there was lots of Lego building going on. Tim and Kelly's husband Duane went over to our church and did some work on a kitchen cabinet, sink and counter they are building. They came home happy that it is ready to be used on Easter Sunday, which will be great as we are having a brunch after a "Sunrise Service" at a local park.

Today as I have been writing this post I had a call from Kelly who let me know that their foster son, had been sick over night and the doctor was putting him in the hospital for a few days due to dehydration concerns. I know she would appreciate you praying for him and for their family.


Anonymous said...

Wow Emma's fraktur is sooo pretty! and I can just imagine the chess playing... haha! Praying for the little guy! :o(


Becky K. said...

I was sad to hear the little one is in the hospital. Hopefully he perks up with some fluids.

I am happy to hear we can use the countertop on Sunday. Guess I'll get myself over there and do some cleaning this week!

Becky K.

Alicia @ said...

Ohhhh you shared the name of your grandbaby!!HEE HEE!!

kaitlin said...

i already knew kinda when i found out they werent sure yet. but emily fraktur is soooooo pretttty. i want one hehe.

love katie

Home Keeping

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