Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In Acceptance Lieth Peace

Didn't mean to post twice today.

I have been going through some challenges lately - I will just leave it at that for now.

I believe in a sovereign God, I believe that He allows all things for my good, to refine me and get rid of the dross...

This poem challenges me to see God's bigger plan for my life than what I can see...

In acceptance lieth peace,
O my heart be still;
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His—therefore rejoice.

In His plan there cannot be
Aught to make thee sad:
If this is His choice for thee,
Take it and be glad.
Make from it some lovely thing
To the glory of thy King.

Cease from sighs and murmuring,
Sing His loving grace,
This thing means thy furthering
To a wealthy place.
From thy fears He’ll give release,
In acceptance lieth peace.

—Hannah Hurnard


Becky K. said...


I love you and hope you know that even when I add to your stress it is not intended that way!

Becky K.

sherry said...

lifting you up in prayer <><

thank you for posting such meaningful thoughts for us to glean.

jAne * tickleberry farm

Phyllis said...

Boy I really needed to hear that. I have been struggling as you know so I will take these words to heart. Thank you dear daughter for the words of encouragement.

Simple Home said...

I always tell my kids that we want to see an "aerial" view, to look ahead, but God, in His wisdom, doesn't allow that. This poem is wonderful because in the first line, it tells why. Thanks for sharing, I'd never heard it before.

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