Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 24, 2010

Update on Nate

And he dialed: DANton-ten-six----"Nurse," he said, "it's an appendix!"

So it was for Madeline in the first of the books about Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans, and so it is for Nate!

It's an appendix!  He was resting well when we left this evening.

Pray as he recovers and will have to be out of work for a bit....his finances are very tight!

I so appreciate the support and prayers!
I am so thankful for the Lord's grace to us all....


  1. Hoping & praying that Nate feels much better and has a quick recovery.

  2. hope he recovers quickly! i was stuck at LGH for 4 days when they took mine out--hope he gets sprung and back on his feet soon

  3. continuing in prayer for Nate.


  4. The Lord brought Nate to mind so many times yesterday... I am glad that you have your answer. Now I will pray that he heals fast and the details will be worked out....

  5. So sorry Nate is going through this. We will pray for his health, and his finances.

    I love those Madeline stories!


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