Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 19, 2011

An Evening Of Tears and Thankfulness

 Our home school co-op concert was last night.  It was wonderful.  Becky from Hospitality Lane is in charge of our concerts.  She had a Welcome to the Family theme last night, and the kids sang their hearts out!  You can read her post about it here.

 I always cry at these things, not great sobbing tears, but a bit of tears as the kids sing praises to the Lord and my heart is touched.
Last night, while the 3 oldest choirs were singing the last song, "My Savior, My God" I started to sob.  I hid it the best I could, then when they finished, I moved over to sit by Becky, and said "I forgot my tissue" as I grabbed a few.  I glanced at her and saw she was crying too.  I handed her a tissue.  Just then one of the dads who had done a bit of speaking last night, started to talk about us and we realized that they had planned a bit of a sweet farewell for us.  

 Beautiful bouquets of flowers and fun gift cards! Lots of tears.  Precious thank you's. These families are so special to me.

 When I got home, I wanted to put my flowers in water right away.  As I undid the bouquet, I realized there were so many beautiful flowers, I could make two arrangements.   So I did just the roses, and then one with the country style flowers.

They are perfect and as I enjoy them this week, I will be remembering their thoughtfulness and love.


Becky K. said...

Amen, Sister!

It was a lovely evening and the flowers are amazing. I have two vases going here too. I think I will bring the larger one to church tomorrow. It is too pretty not to share.

You have put so much of yourself into the co-op. You have made a difference. Encouraging the new Moms and reminding the "old" ones that it is ok to think outside the box. Times change...we something different if what we are doing isn't working. Thanks!! I know you will miss it. As will I.

Terra said...

The singing and the flowers sound so pretty. I can see why you shed a tear or two.

Terri said...

So sweet....the flowers are a beautiful reminder of a well done year! A little reminder of Spring!

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