Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!


In a few weeks it will be Spring!  This morning the birds were singing and chirping outside my bedroom window.  I love it!

Soon we will be planting our garden, and watching it grow.  This is so satisfying to me.  Are many of you gardeners too?  I am new, just a few years, to veggie gardening, but have had flower gardens for years.

"It is the first mild day of March
Each minute sweeter than before
The redbreast sings from the tall larch
That stands beside our door.

There is a blessing in the air,
Which seems a sense of joy to yield
To the bare trees, and mountains bare,
And grass in the green field."


My Emily has a birthday this month as well.  She is one year away from adulthood.  How can this be?  Only yesterday she was a wee fuzzy headed baby with personality galore - she hasn't changed much, except the fuzzy headed part, perhaps.

I hope is that you are as blessed in your daughters as I am in mine.  What a joy to have these girls who grow from infancy to adulthood before your eyes and who grow in the grace of the Lord.  As they mature they still need guidance and a listening ear.  They still need you.  But I find that just as much I need them.  They are a joy to me and the dearest of dear friends.  

Well, breakfast is ready.  Rachel helped me make biscuits and gravy this morning.  Later we are going to make use of some over ripe bananas to make banana bread. Yum!

I pray that your day will be full of delight.


Tracy said...

Well, aren't you sounding chipper today? LOL

Have a wonderful day, Deanna!

faerieeva said...

I love the beautiful pictures you add. We put our first seeds in the ground three days ago. I am not certain how much yield we wil get from this first garden experiment, but even one pepper would be such a joy.

Becky said...

Happy Spring!! I hear the birds outside my window, oh how pleasant the sound. I must say, your daughter is gorgeous. My oldest son is not far from the end of this year. I find myself thinking of all those precious years of mothering him. sigh. And yes, it is a blessing that we get to see them take flight.

Beth said...

What a pretty girl! Out of my five children, four of them have birthdays this month! Dan will be 24, Marcella will be 21, Jennie will be 18 and Rebecca will be 14! Time sure has flown and YES, my girls (and my boys!) are also the dearest of dear friends!! I love that expression of yours!
The sun is shining here in Indiana after horrible flooding yesterday. We are looking forward to seeing what flowers will come up at our new older house we just purchased!
Have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

I don't garden and with my back problems I don't know if I ever will be able to but maybe someday I'll be able to figure out a way to work around that.

I loved the poem you shared and your daughter is *lovely*. (o:

Oh and I have to laugh, the word on the verification is 'counting'. (o;

Kelly said...

I am so ready for spring and excited about getting our garden planted as well.

Terri said...

Just catching up on some of your posts before heading to bed...the baked goods look FABULOUS!!! SO glad to hear that Lottie has made her way back home!
Today had me yearning for Spring, too. Soon, very SOON!
I hope you all wake up to a wonderful Wednesday over there...

Simple Home said...

I feel the same way about my girls. I miss the little girls they once were, but I love the young women they're becoming :-)
I can't wait to start planting too!

Becky K. said...

That banana bread was so close last night and you sent it back to the house....noooooooooo.......

We had so much fun!

Emma is such a lovely girl. Me thinks it is time that she and Lindsay get hidden away for a couple of years...or maybe Tim can just brandish a shot gun whenever young men are

Maybe I needed a couple more hours of sleep. I'm a bit silly this morning....

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