Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Cottage Garden

Little green things are popping up!  Bulb plants that have been quietly waiting all winter!  These I believe are small tulips.  
Hyacinths.  I just love being in the garden and seeing all the life that is there.  Soon it will be time for weeding and mulch.

When we build the addition - my parents in law quarters - my cottage garden will be relocated.  A porch is going where this garden is now located.  I don't know whether to move it to the front of the porch or maybe make an enclosed garden with a gate!  Oooh, I love that idea!  Now where to put it?  Wouldn't that be thrilling to go in through a garden gate and have a place to sit and read and dream?!
Of course, this birdhouse will be in the cottage garden.  I love it!

My cottage garden has, peonies, daisies, purple cone flowers, black eyed susans, roses, salvia, hydrangea, spirea, fever few, a hibiscus, and some daisy like mums that bloom in late summer into the fall.  I plan to keep them all and possibly add some others.

What are your favorite cottage flowers?  What should I add?


Becky K. said...

Funny, I am sitting here perusing websites on soil pH and perennial pruning instructions, etc. I've been making myself a written list of what to do with each of my perennials and which ones I would like to get more of and which ones to divide.

I have some cool ideas to play with out front this Spring which should pay big dividends in mid to late Summer.

I love your idea of an enclosed garden with seating. So Williamsburg!!!

Becky K. said...

Trying again...the first comment wouldn't post.

I've been on the computer this morning learning about soil pH and perennial preferences. It is so much fun to learn!

I have a bunch of ideas for changing things out front which should make a big improvement this Summer.

I love your idea of an enclosed garden with seating. It is so Williamsburg!!!

Jackie said...

Your cottage garden sounds beautiful. My cottage garden is a work in progress and my favorites are hydrangeas and peonies.

Have a great day.

Tracy said...

Ohhh, I wish I had hyacinths in my garden. They smell delightful!

A Joyful Chaos said...

I love spring flowers! I'll have to go check my flower beds this afternoon to see if i can find any sign of life. With most of the snow melted i think I may be in luck.


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