Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tea - Yorkshire Gold

 I've been enjoying one of my favorite teas lately.  Yorkshire Gold.  

Here is a blurb from the English Tea Store

Yorkshire Gold Tea is a blend of some of the world’s finest teas from countries such as India, Sri Lanka and Africa, and has a rich, refreshing taste. It makes a rich brown liquid with a malty taste. This is a very popular English Breakfast type tea, and makes a stronger tea best enjoyed with milk and sugar to taste.

I like this tea iced as well.  Unsweetened.

It helps to have a piece of homemade cake to eat with it.

What is your favorite tea?


Terra said...

I like Yorkshire tea too, and sometimes buy it, way out here in California. My current favorite is Green Tea with Brown Rice, Organic Genmaicha made by Eden.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

We are really liking green tea also right now.

The Pennington Point said...

My favorite tea (I drink a LOT of it) is called Celestial Seasonings Caffeine-free. It's an herbal tea that has the flavor of a black tea and it is delightful! It's rich and flavorful but no caffeine. Now you've made me want a cup...bye! Lisa~

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Lady Grey decaf. But now I want some cake! (o;

Terri said...

This week my favorite is Ginger Peach by STASH. The other day I had a Cinnamon Vanilla at a friend's house...perfect!

Beth said...

My favorite is English Breakfast Tea. My son in law is English although he was raised in the United States most of his life and he also loves it! I grew up adding milk to tea and so did he. I think it must be an English/Irish thing. I no longer add milk very often but when he makes it for us, milk is always included!

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