Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 25, 2011

Graduation Banquet

 The banquet was a fun and beautiful event last night.  It was held in a beautiful hotel.  We dressed up and looked pretty spiffy, though I don't know what was happening with my bangs...sometimes my hair has a mind of its own. Sorry...I digress.  Back to the banquet.

Emily and her dear friend Chelsea.  Aren't they lovely girls?  Their dresses were so cute, Emily's had big red roses around the bottom.
Grandma and Grandpa had to get a photo with their girls.  All my girls' friends call them Grandma and Grandpa. My Dad is very proud of that suit too.  He has owned it for over twenty years and it still fits.
The grad colors are turquoise (teal), silver and white.  It was very pretty with teal balloons, and silver and white and teal decorations on the tables.
Perfect accessories for the table - little packages of kisses tied up with teal ribbon.  I still have 4 out of 5 kisses in my purse.  I was thinking of sharing them with my kids, but I may just have to eat them while I am out grocery shopping today.  Fortification, you know.

The food was fabulous. I had the Chicken Florentine - which is in the photo above, and Tim had the Beef ( I don't recall what it was 'called'). 
The service was great, too.
This is not a very clear photo but it is of the amazing chocolate cake we had for dessert.  I feel sorry for those who don't like chocolate....
See what I have to live with?  Don't you feel sorry for me? Crazy folk, them Rabe's. Since I am only one by marriage I feel free to excuse myself from any responsibility for the craziness.  Tim would, of course, disagree!
Here now, that's better!  She is her Daddy's little package, all grown up into quite the lovely young woman.  He's just a tad proud of her.  Me?  Well, she is a bit of a mini me, so I am forced to say she is pretty wonderful.  Humility, it's a beautiful thing.


lijahmom said...

What beautiful pics, looks like such a nice banquet as always. Emily and Chelsea look beautiful, :) thanks for sharing. Can't believe all my students are graduating!!! ahhh!!!

Becky K. said...

Great pics! I'm going to link over here.....we only had Mikey's camera and I am NOT good with it.

It was fun! Thanks for the opportunity to sit with all of you.

Phyllis said...

It was a wonderful evening. The food, friends,family and the setting was beautiful. The talent show was super. So many gifted young people using their gifts to praise and worship the Lord!!

sherry said...

wow! what a lovely presentation - from the colors to decorations to cuisine. beautiful people too! (((hug)))


Melissa G said...

Haha! Them Rabes! =)

It looked like a lovely evening!

Anonymous said...

Is that Tim smiling in that first picture? I can't quite tell....

Like the pictures and Emily is a doll!

Tracy said...

Ahhh! You all clean up so nice! ;-)

Seriously, you all looked beautiful/handsome. Emily has her daddy's eyes, I think. And your dad should be proud to be able to fit into the same suit for 20 years!

Souds like a wonderful celebrations, and the food looked delicious, too.

Fortification is good. You better keep ahold of those

Ronda said...

What a lovely and happy time you all seem to have had. What a beautiful graduate as well!

I know how proud you must be...been there.

So what is her next step in life?

Prayers for you and your family as another one grows up and ever closer to their adult life.

Congratulations Deanna!

Love & Prayers, Ronda

The Pennington Point said...

How bittersweet. I tell my kids not to grow up, but they don't listen.

The pictures are lovely. I enjoyed seeing you and your hair. :)

Looks like you had a great evening. Lisa~

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