Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two More Weeks

and co-op will be over for this year.  It also means an end of my time with the co-op.  

The co-op started in the Fall of 1998 and we were one of the first families who participated.  The next year I was asked to serve on committee, and have done so since then.  I have been leading the group since 2006.  

I have loved it, for the most part.  I love encouraging Moms in this great task.  So many have little to no encouragement from anyone in their personal lives, they just know that God has lead them to this.  There have been many difficult things over the years as well.  This has required wisdom, prayer, and much time.

The Lord showed me this year that I was working hard with the co-op and that I needed to give more attention to my own children here at home.  He showed me that it was time to pass the leadership onto someone else.  Thankfully we work together as a leadership team, and the Vice President will be able to step right up!  She will do well. She has a great team behind her!

I hope that I will still be able to encourage and fellowship with these Moms.  Maybe they will let me come to Mom's Meetings.  Maybe they will ask me to speak on occasion!  Maybe they will still let me put on the Annual Tea in October!

Emily will graduate this year, and then I will have only 3 more students here at home.  I am looking forward to lots of fun studies here, field trips, reading, nature study, music, art, history....

Pray for me though, as I have been with the group for 13 years.  I will miss them, but just like when a pastor retires, if he stays in the congregation, it is difficult for the new pastor to lead.  So, we go.  My younger kids are worried that they won't see their friends ever again.  There will be many adjustments to be made.  Tears will flow...they are right now as I write this.  Knowing that this is God's plan and timing makes it easier, as He always has our best in mind.

Two more weeks...


Becky K. said...

The Lord knows just what He is doing with and through you. This change will be good, I just know it.

Thanks for being our fearless leader for these many years. You have dealt with so many hard things and we have also had a lot of fun!

I, too, will miss this amazing group of families.


sherry said...

i completely understand.
that's what i did last june.
after 8 years in leadership
i stepped down, handing over
responsibility to an amazingly
able woman. then i removed
myself for that was a necessity,
for me, for the families, and
for the new leadership. over time
i've found a new flow for my
days and am relishing in the fact
that HE holds my days and the
people therein involved. comforting

praying you through this time,
dear friend. love you.


Karen said...

Praying this time of transition is as smooth as possible, both for your family and the co-op group as well.

Change is hard! But following where the Lord is leading is definitely the path of blessing!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Being in leadership in any homeschool activity can be difficult. A former pastor once told me homeschoolers have to have strong opinions about life or they would not be homeschooling. Hadn't thought of it that way.

My son loved our co-op we were in when he was in the high school years. I taught a literature and world view class which was lots of fun.

His closest friends came out of that co-op and I expect many to be life long friendships.

Home Keeping

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