Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday...

She is her Daddy's "little package" all grown up, well almost.  She is a delightful young woman, with a great sense of humor.  She has depths to her that people don't notice right away.  She is a hard worker - and is often Tim's right hand 'man'!  

She is a blessing to me.  She is a great cook, baker, iced coffee maker.  She is a favorite with her siblings and with her niece.

God gave us such a gift when He made her!  We are so thankful!  And thankful that she trusts not only her Daddy, but her Heavenly Father!

Happy Birthday, my precious daughter.  You grow more dear to me as the years go by...


Anonymous said...

Tell her we say HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!
Love Jill

Becky K. said...

She is also a great friend!!!

We love Emma...Happy Birthday!!!!
See you later!

Emma* said...

Thanks Jill!!!

Thanks Mrs.K!!!!

Simple Home said...

I hope she had a wonderful day!!! Happy Birthday :-)

Tracy said...

Happy belated, Emily!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...