Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 16, 2011

We're Here

 Here is a photo of the lake from our guest room window in the living area.

 Here is the view from the kitchen.

 Here is the kitchen...

 There is a trundle bed in the kitchen - Lindsay and Sarah have claimed it - Sarah is excited to be on the trundle....

 Here is the double bed and single bed that is in the living area - there are two easy chairs in here and a television.  This may seem like an odd set up but this motel is at the headquarters of the mission we used to serve with.  It is intended to house families that come to headquarters when they come home from the mission field, or come for meetings etc...some folks are here for several weeks at a time.   So it is nice to have a kitchen.  This is a roomy motel room it is actually 3 rooms if you include the bathroom, and 4 rooms if you include the walk in closet that is the same size as the bathroom!  Guess what it is going to cost us?  Well, actually Tim's Mom is paying...but it is only $20 a night!  Unbelievable!
Kyle and Rachel are sleeping on pull out mattresses in the living space - we have more beds than we do when we stay at a regular hotel!  We are very spoiled!

 We also get all the access to the pool that we want!

 It was a beautiful evening in Central Florida...

 Happy sisters....

Happy Momma, with the wind blowing my hair in my face!  We sat and ate dinner at poolside and visited with my Mother in Law, Tim's sister Esther and her husband Richard.  It was great.

Tomorrow Tim's mom wants to take us out to eat - at a place called "Buffet City."  Wow.  I'm trying to eat well on this trip and not too much junk or fast food.  I just might be able to find some kind of "real food" at "Buffet City," I'm a thinkin'.  As my Grandma Lily used to say "You just don't never know!" I'll let you know how that goes!

So far, vacation is a blast!


  1. I said a G Lilyism on Saturday!! I said "you just never know!" That is funny we said the same thing!

  2. I'm so happy for all of you.
    And you are missing all of the much rain!!

  3. Wow, do you have a great travel agent!

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  4. Just as all vacations should be! Keep right on having fun...

  5. enjoy! vacations are wonderful!

  6. Glad you all had a great vaca
    We enjoyed your visit though it was too short *sad face* Your family is refreshing to be around.


Welcome to Creekside Cottage - a place of Hospitality, Friendship and Encouragement!

Information Friday

  I'm hurrying this morning to get this post done, as I am off to tea soon! Mom, my friend Jennifer, and I are going to our favorite tea...