Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 30, 2012

Awaiting Me Today

 2 Pots of Lavender on the back of my sink.

A lovely day at home.

A bit of school prep - we are starting soon!  Maybe this week!

 Red Haven peaches await too.  I will slice some up for lunch and also can some of these and some John Boy peaches.  There is nothing like opening a jar of freestone peaches in the middle of January!  Delightful!

 Rachel will be making her wonderful lemonade today too.  It is cold, and refreshing on these hot July days.

 Lots of laundry...This load has actually now been taken care of by Kyle and Sarah.  They folded while watching a movie.

Tim started his new shift at work, and has already put in his time there.  He and Emily are at the home of a couple from church doing lawn care.  The husband has had surgery recently and is unable to any work of this kind yet.  

Lindsay spent the night at my parents house and is driving my Dad up to Cabela's today.  He has not been released to drive yet after his surgery.  He is doing very well though and I want to thank you for your prayers for him and for asking how he is doing. 

Emily is going to pick my Mom up later for a lunch date.  Tim will be coming home to sleep. Rachel will practice her cello.  

I'll keep things moving along here and work on dinner.  I also have some work to do for the shop.  We have a women's event that we are doing on Friday night.  We are hoping to bring more exposure to our shop.  

Work continues on our website.  It will be done soon, and open for real business!  When it opens we will have a grand re-opening!  Stay tuned for that!

Now, I must be off.  I may find time to de-clutter my bedroom....Actually, I think it may become a priority.  When I have clean, tidy spaces I function so much better than when I have clutter.  I'll try to take photos.  

Have a wonderful day!



PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Sounds like a busy day! I had some peaches this weekend at the peak of ripeness. The juice rolled down to my elbows, but thats not a complaint!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely, busy home-keeping day....

And I would love to see pics of your de-cluttering because then I might be inspired to do the same! LOL ;o)

Cheryl said...

De-cluttering...hard to get started sometimes, but when I do, I can't stop! Such a feeling of accomplishment! I, too, hope that you'll get to share some pictures.

Sounds like you're having (or had) a busy, humming kind of day. Hope everyone is back in the hive now. :D

(You're giving me the itch to get back to school...but we're not quite ready yet. August is a crazy month at our house. And I still have some planning to do. I guess I'll have to hold off for a bit.)

Debbie said...

I couldn't agree more about the clean and tidy space and being able to function. It's just a must. I completely agree!

And I'm glad that everything is still going well for your dad.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...