Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Can Feel It... is the urge to rearrange my furniture!  I don't know whether it will be in my living room or in my bedroom or both, but the feeling - the need to do it is welling up...I warned Tim yesterday.  That way when he comes home and can't find the bed he'll know why!

Actually, he doesn't mind my rearranging, as long as he has a place to sleep, he's good.  Low maintenance, that's my man.  I've tried to be a low maintenance woman over the years too.  I hope I've succeeded. 

I'll show you photos when I do it! 


My parents made it safely to California.

 Some of their friends are headed out of town the next few days so they met up with one friend last night and are doing breakfast with a couple this morning.

Then it's going to be lots of hugging and loving on grandkids and the great grandkids!  Those little boys are yummy!  

I am off to the store soon, so I must go do my hair - I don't want to scare anyone! 

What are you up to today?  If it is slow in the store today - as I think everyone is likely at the beach in this hot weather - I will be able to read your comments, so talk to me!


Vee said...

So glad that your folks have made it to their destination. It'll be fun for them to meet old friends again and to see these beautiful children they've not yet met.

Hope that you have lots of help with shoving the furniture around. Have you ever tried the interactive online furniture movers? They're really a lot of fun. That's something you might try with any down time today.

Did Elizabeth find a bracelet? Hope so!

Sue said...

So glad your parents had a safe trip, always so comforting when traveling loved ones arrive safely.
I am smiling about the rearranging of furniture, I used to do it fairly often, and dh would tease me about not finding the bed. lol
What am I doing today? I started out working on cleaning up from the storm, it was so hot and humid that dh ran me inside as he saw I was getting over heated, I didn't argue with him at all. ~smile~

I am now doing something that I enjoy very much and that is visiting friends here in blogland.
Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and happy 4th of July celebration.
Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to comment.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your parents had a safe trip!

And please share pics of the rearranging before AND after pics if you can. I LOVE to see how people arrange their homes.

I miss being able to rearrange my furniture, I used to do it A LOT, but my back just can't take it anymore. So.....I just rearrange my blog instead, LOL! ;o)

Cheryl said...

Good to hear that your parents arrived safely...and that they have good times ahead! It's wonderful to be able to reunite (and meet for the first time, in the case of the new ones!) with loved ones.

I spent a good deal of time today shopping for, wrapping, packaging, and mailing a birthday package to my granddaughter who turns 5 in mid-July. Then Bekah had a double piano lesson to make up for a missed lesson a couple of weeks ago. Back home to a catnap, some housework, and dinner preparation. This evening we are watching the Masterpiece Theatre production of Emma. A lovely day...if it weren't for this ~~heat~~!

Hope your day was lovely too!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...