Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 16, 2012

Prayer Request

Tomorrow, my Dad is having surgery to repair a hernia.  He has had this surgery many times and we are hoping this is the last time!  

One of his previous operations saw the doctors use a kevlar mesh to hold it in place.  My Dad, being who he is, loved to tell one and all that he was now "bulletproof."  Funny guy.

I will drop the girls at their various work places, and then I will join my Mom in the waiting room.

My Dad is in very good health, for which we are grateful. He will be several weeks recovering, and not able to drive.  He is planning on doing a lot of reading, but I know that he will watch a lot of talking heads, Myth Busters, and sports. 

Thank you for praying.


Unknown said...

Praying for a quick recovery!

Trish said...

Praying all goes well for you dear dad!
My FIL has had a few hernias repaired over the years too.
Mythbusters sounds like good plan :-)

Trish said...

Praying all goes well for you dear dad!
My FIL has had a few hernias repaired over the years too.
Mythbusters sounds like good plan :-)

jean said...

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for your Dad.

Debbie said...

My mother-in-law had this done, and it was successful.

Since he is very likely either through with it by now or at least in surgery, I will focus prayer very specifically against any infection in the aftermath. I know that's always a risk with this.

So... I pray a hedge of protection against it.

Vee said...

Probably time to toss the mesh, right? Praying for your dad and that he has a speedy recuperation. Many blessings to you all...

Anonymous said...

Praying that all goes well and that he heals quickly....

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...