Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bedroom - Rearrangement

I made my bedroom rearranging and decluttering the top priority in my day yesterday.

I am so glad I did.

 We had become overrun by stuff - for the store, for the family, stuff we didn't know where else to store.  Sigh....stress, stress and more stress.  The exercise bike is there because I need to use it.  Do I, no, but that is another story.  However, it was cramped in that corner and hard to get around when making the bed.

My poor dresser...over run by stuff....

My poor can say it with me "overrun by stuff."  I love a clean, tidy home.  For me this mess creates stress, and I already have regular stress from running our business, the website, my family etc.  
 The first thing I did was move the armoire out of my room.  It had not been moved in 7 years.  Look at the size of that dust bunny...I am really let you see behind the scenes today!  The armoire had been used to store movies and held the tv we used to have in our room.  With no tv in here, this piece could be moved to the living room!
 The television in the livingroom is for watching movies.  It is probably a bit high but it now we have no problem with seeing it from any seat in the room.

The armoire was along the wall that my bedroom door is on as well as my closet.  I moved my desk to that space and I really like it.

I took this photo while sitting on the floor and looking toward my door.  I, of course, moved the bed as well and here you can see many of the clutter items on it.  In my experience, things get much worse before they look better!

Now you can see my desk and the closet...Rachel's hope chest is to the right.  This currently has a printer on it but that will be going else where.  I want the space for seating.  My room is often a hang out place for my kids and I want it to be comfy.
Looking back toward the door...

 My comfy bed this morning!  

It is amazing how moving that one piece of furniture to a new location changed the whole feel of the room - it has more room now!  The bike is easy to access now as well.  So no more excuses!

A bonus of moving the armoire to the living room is that the wicker coffee table that the television previously sat on was no longer needed inside.  

 This makes me happy!

Today I have sat at my clean desk, ordering handbags, jewelry, watches....I have talked on the phone to my friend that is headed to Texas - twice! and texted with my sweet girl in the shop!  I have been able to interact with all my children here and hug and kiss my granddaughter a few times as well.  What a sweet life I have!

So what do you think?  Do you like it?


jean said...

I do like it! And, how nice it is to be able to declutter and enjoy it all once again!! I like that you also used the armoire for the tv. Now, people can pass by without having to crawl to avoid blocking someone else's viewing : )

Anonymous said...

It looks WONDERFUL Deanna!!! Thanks so much for sharing all the pics that showed your progress. :o)

Cheryl said...

First of all, I love this post! Don't we all love reality shots? Makes us feel more human to know that others have their own clutter to deal with? ;-)

And your bedroom looks great! I love that the kids are welcome in your visit and hang out and be at home. And isn't it amazing how one change can make such a big difference?

Enjoy your "new" space!

Vee said...

It looks as if your bedroom has better flow. Have you ever thought of angling the bed into the room? I like how you want seating for the kids when they visit you there. And you need a space to work on business things. If you did all this in one day, I'm very impressed! I really like the coffee table out on the deck. That makes a lovely, defined seating area.

Rebecca said...

Good for you! It looks great - and what's more important, you feel good about having things back in order and clean, clean, clean!

Unknown said...

It looks wonderful! I love a day for reorganizing--allows you to take a step back and really enjoy the home!

Have a wonderful day.

Jacqueline said...

It looks like a wonderful life of organizing, ordering, and simplifying. Thank you for this peek into your life, friend :) you are an encouragament!

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