Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Big Event

We have been talking and praying about making some changes to our business.  We decided to add events to our repertoire of services we provide.  The idea is to be vendors for ladies conferences and other women's events. We also have some big plans for our website.

Right when we were throwing around these ideas, we were invited to be a vendor at a local Ladies Night Out in our city.  A local radio station and another group are sponsoring this event!  We saw it as a confirmation of what we feel is a great option for our business.

That event is tomorrow night!  We have been busy ordering product, designing our display table, making a coupon for the swag bags, deciding on lighting....It's a huge learning curve for us, but it's good too.

Lindsay and Emily are excited about doing this event and I must say that I am too!

Because I like you all so much, I thought I would show you a preview of some of the jewelry and a really cool backpack bag...

So, what do you think?

Pray for us, that we will be ready to go by tomorrow morning and that everything will go smoothly.  We have 6 different schedules to coordinate tomorrow, as well as loading all the product and display items etc, into the event.

Did I mention that it is our city's First Friday as well, and that our business always stays open until 9:00pm?  To solve the mystery of how to be in two places at once, my Mom and Rachel are going to be in the store for us!  5 ladies - 3 generations working together to make this all possible.  Oh, and let's don't forget my Tim.  He is a huge part of this business - he does so much behind the scenes and is a big part of the website overhaul.  I like to call him our logistics manager!

I'll let you know how it goes.  Then Monday is the huge New York Gift show, and we'll be going to that, too.  So if you don't hear from me, or if I post something utterly incoherent, you'll understand, won't you?


Vee said...

All the best! It all looks wonderful and I know that you have some great models!

Amy said...

I love your room rearrange! Can't wait to see it in person!!! I would love to sit and sip some of Rachel's lemonade, too (hint, hint, Rachel!) Praying for Friday night. Wish I was there to be a customer! My sister in law LOVED her necklace and earring set! Will send you a pic soon. Missing you all! Looking forward to a reunion at the Creekside Cottage.

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

I hope ybou realize that if I lived near you I would probably singlehandedly keep your business alive. Ill have to make a special column in the budget for my lancaster trip just for Fab Fashions!

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you Deanna! Always exciting when the Lord begins to expand our undertakings. I'm in something of that place, too - though not with jewelry. Will you be at the CHAP conference next spring with a display???

Maybe we won't miss each other then . . .


Becky K. said...

So excited for your first event!! Have a blast and sell a ton.
If I can help get someone here or there let me know.....

Cheryl said...

You have such beautiful items there...surely, you will do well!

Brenda said...

Sounds wonderful...I just wish I lived close enough to enjoy it. Maybe a visit someday.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...