Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What A Wonderful Way To Start A Day

Up early today for a special reason, though I am posting this late in the day.  I had an invitation to have breakfast over at Hospitality Lane.

 Diane from Tomato Soup Cake blog and her daughter Millen and friend Diana and her wee daughter had come to our area to see the Wiggles live!  

 They came to church yesterday and then with great joie de vivre, they came along with us to watch Becky's mom Ruth, my daughter Emma, my niece Shelly and our friend Joseph jump out of an airplane!  Poor things we dragged them all over the county!  It was a lovely day, and they all had a great jump!  It was fun to visit and share together while we were waiting for the jumpers.

This morning before they left we all had breakfast together.  Chelsea took this fun photo of Millen, Diane, myself and Becky.  Thank you, Becky, for using your grandmother's china and for the lovely food.  It was so special.

Then home to reality.  School with the kids, peaches to can, lunch to make including some bread.  

Diane, thank you for your cheerful self!  It was so fun to see you again.  Let's do it again next year, okay?


Becky K. said...

Oh how I've missed hosting such fun little get togethers. Thanks for coming and for saying such a lovely blessing before we ate.

Terra said...

Wow, did you say jumping out of an airplane? Hey, those peaches look yummy and the table is set very pretty.

Vee said...

Glad that everyone (who wanted to) got to jump today! That looks like a special invite indeed...

Cheryl said...

A wonderful way indeed! Sweet friends, yummy breakfast, pretty dishes! Bliss? :D

Aloquin said...

You all seem like a terrific bunch :)

Diane said...

Deanna, we had so much fun! And be forewarned, we're already planning a visit for next summer! This time I'm hoping to bring along Noah and Amelia too:)

Trish said...

Looks like a lovely "get together"!
Nice photo of you all, too :-)

Mama to 12, so far said...

How fun! What a beautiful table for breakfast too.

Brenda said...

What a beautiful table and such fun to share with friends. I could almost taste the peaches!
In response to my blog...I have 3 other grandchildren (2 boys and a girl) but this is my daughter's first. Seems to be a totally different experience when its your daughter.
Have a wonderful day my friend,

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...