Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 20, 2012

Rest and Fellowship

I've been doing a lot of this lately, and looking just like this of course, as I recover from some goofy virus that has been making its rounds.  Sore throat, ear pain, low grade fever.  I thought I had strep, but no, just a rest, drink fluids and wait it out virus.

So that is what I have been doing.  It makes you exhausted too.  I've napped more in the last week than I did while I was a kid!  Well, maybe not that much, but you get the idea.

Yesterday morning, I felt better and decided to go to church, knowing I could head home if I got wiped out.  I was able to stay the whole time, through our fellowship meal and ladies book study!  I surprised myself.  

Then home with families from church, to relax and have fun.  There was more Ultimate Frisbee, bike riding, scootering, archery.  We built a fire in our fire ring and roasted hot dogs, and used our pie irons to make grilled sandwiches in the fire.  The weather has cooled amazingly and we are enjoying a hint of Autumn.  Yesterday felt like that.

Many pots of coffee, many dishes washed, many pots of tea, much talking and laughter later, and they were all on their way home - many having a drive of nearly an hour and lots of little ones to put into bed.  A couple of our girls took another girl home.

The dogs out for one last sniff of every possible scent they could catch and it was time for bed.  I slept very well, and long for me!  I am thankful.

Today we are slowly making our way to being awake, we will be reading and learning soon.  There will be meals cooked and floors cleaned.  I know we will be remembering and talking about our wonderful day yesterday.

I am thankful for the physical rest I've had - I'm sure a nap will be in the works today too - and for the spiritual refreshment I have had through fellowship.  Hospitality feeds the soul.

We have rain headed our way today, with some afternoon thunderstorms.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  I know I will.


PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Rest is so important. I know I am such a cranky lady without it! Glad your soul was rejuvinated on a beautiful Sunday with your family.

Pamela said...

Sounds like a special day and one that will help you feel well. Sometimes being with friends is the best medicine.

Becky K. said...

It was a good day yesterday. We left the church at 6pm after everyone had gone and the final clean ups were done. Warren,the boys and I had a nice relaxing evening together. Thanks for welcoming Chelsea. She really enjoyed her time there.
I slept super well last night after such a full day.

Vee said...

Rest is good and fellowship is is good if someone else does it...☺ You know, while you're catching a nap.

Cheryl said...

Sometimes, sometimes, sickness can be a blessing because it forces us to rest. But I am happy to hear that you are feeling better...and that you had such a lovely day yesterday!

Bonnie said...

It was sooo much fun-thanks for getting my two little ones tea....It makes it special.And the nail polishing was an added bonus for the girls. Lots of sleepyheads when arrived home.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Rest is soooo important when you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you so much for adding to the conversation on my Home Sweet Frugal Home post. I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten from people saying how they got so much out of people's comments!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

So glad you are doing better and I'm sure you looked JUST SO elegant as the picture. ;)

Still feeling icky here. We are being warned if flu symptoms persist to let our doctor know as West Nile is in the area.

However, I got over the flu quickly so now it is just the antibiotics making me sick. At least I assume!

Isn't it great when you haven't felt well and you suddenly realize you are much better?

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day. May today be wonderful as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better and were able to enjoy church and fellowship yesterday. :o)

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