Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon

Did you know that Friday night is going to be a Blue Moon?  This means that the month of August will have two full moons in it.  Tim said that the next Blue Moon won't be until 2015.  Tonight the moon is shining brightly in a clear sky, when I took the dogs out it was very easy to see, though it was almost 11:30pm.

My days are full, mostly of good things.  Kyle is feeling much better, thank you for praying for him.  He felt well enough today to do his math (which he loves) and even did several lessons, because he wanted to finish the first disc of lessons.  There are 30 on each disc.  He is now a quarter of the way through his 3rd grade math - highly unusual for this family who is mostly filled with those who find math a bit, well, challenging.  Did I mention that we have only been doing school for a few weeks and that a good part of those days, he has had a virus and done no math?  Yea....he likes to do many, many lessons a day!  I let him!  I mean, why not?  He likes it - he thinks it's fun!

I got the store ready for Autumn this week.  Did you know that accessories are a great way to freshen up your wardrobe without breaking the bank?  

I have spent the last few weeks as a driver - Lindsay or Emma to the shoppe or Sight and Sound.  Kay to work at Subway, back to get a girl, then another and sometimes another girl from our church needs a ride as well!  It is taking it's toll on my sanity, but with only two cars and 5 drivers it is hard to share the vehicles!  Plus my Mom has been coming and taking Rachel to cello on Wednesdays!  Thanks Mom!

I have been enjoying the cooler days, and nights, but heard on the radio that it is going to be 90 degrees again this weekend!  We already have had our warmest summer on record - I say bring on the Autumn weather!  Also being in retail, we have been in Autumn thinking mode for a while.  It is hard to be patient!  I really hate to tell you this, too, but the craft stores are full of Christmas items!  It will be here before you know it!

I've been enjoying the lovely music that Vee has been linking too on her blog A Haven For Vee.  I also listen to Pandora a lot.  I have lots of stations on there so depending on my mood I can listen to a variety of music.

Well, I am getting very sleepy.  Time to lay my weary head down and sleep.  I am thankful for our Lord who gives us sleep.

Psalm 4:8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. 

Sweet Dreams my friends!


Melissa G said...

Elijah keeps asking me when Christmas is going to be here. =)

What math do you use for Kyle? Elijah loves using the computer so maybe he would like the math cds.

I hope we have a clear night tonight to see this blue moon. Thanks for the reminder!

Those pictures of the shop being decorated for Fall have been so nice and pretty!

Rebecca said...

I'm ready for autumn, too! It sounds like life IS busy there at the Creekside :)

I really like the "lie down in peace and sleep" verse you posted. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings an amazing rendition of that song - "Thou O Lord"! It uplifts me every time I hear it.

Have a wonderful, WONDERFUL weekend....

Vee said...

So glad that Kyle is feeling better. He's going to be doing next year's math before long and, yes, you should certainly let him. I'm sure that you can imagine how much of a school day is devoted to busy work to keep kids going sideways instead of forward.

Thanks for the sweet mention...

Oh I do hope that everyone gets a chance to rest and unwind this weekend.

Cloudy here today so we will miss the blue moon. Sigh.

Brenda said...

First I want to tell you how much I turely appreciate your comments on my blog. They always touch my heart. Ok, now I want to share with you my love of the moon. Yes, it is SOOO big a bright. I actually went riding on the 4wheeler last and didn't even need the lights! God's beauty is so amazing. Also, as a result of other things said, my grand-daughter believes her PopaJohn is now behind the moon. So when it is big like this, she says...see you see him. True story. Kids...they are just so presious.

Cheryl said...

We just went out and looked at the blue moon a little while ago. I was surprised that it would be 2014 before the next one. Kati just went out to photograph it, considering that the fact that it will be such a while before her next opportunity. :D

Glad to hear that Kyle is feeling better. And what about that math?! Go Kyle!

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I am ready for fall. I'll bet your store looks lovely with its fall accessories. Fun!

Unknown said...

I completely agree...bring on Autumn! Time for cooler weather, warm sweaters, hot tea, and family time.

Take Care and have a wonderful weekend.

Becky K. said...

We'll try to bring Autumn weather home with us from Potter County.

I'm tickled to hear that Kyle loves his math. Maybe if all had started with Teaching Textbooks in the first place they would have loved it too. Or, perhaps that is just the way his particular brain works.

I'll be bringing some Autumnal candles to you for the store....Fun!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...