Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hard Workin'

 My husband is a hard working man.  He was raised that way and his spiritual gift is service, so helping and serving others comes naturally to him.  He has taught our kids to be hard working too.

 Emily is his right hand "man" for some of these projects.  Last week they sealed our driveway, this week they did my parents driveway.  

 Here you can see Kyle and my Dad supervising.  

 This driveway is huge - there is a parking area to the right you can see a bit of.  All this space took 12 5 gallon buckets of sealer.
Doesn't it look great?!

Wednesday, Tim rode his bike over to a family from church to do their yard work, as the husband is recovering from surgery.  That is the kind of man I am married to.  

I am thankful for how well he helps me look after my parents.  I know they think he's the best son in law ever!  Never mind that he is their only son in law!



Vee said...

Oh yes, he does great work! What a beautiful view your parents enjoy! Gorgeous.

Becky K. said...

Tim is definitely a hard worker. And so is Emma. It is nice to see them enjoy working together.
I'm sure your parents are very grateful to have this big job all dune.

Tracy said...


Seriously, way to go Tim!

Cheryl said...

A hard-working husband is a true blessing!! And how wonderful that Emily finds joy in helping him!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Your kids are getting "caught as well as taught" in the value of hard work.

Melissa recently told me one of the things that drew her to Christopher was his work ethic and how he kept going when things get tough.

That was something he learned from his dad. He saw him go to work each day when he felt dismal. I didn't know Christopher even noticed at the time.

Oh... you can tell your hubby there is another driveway that could use his expertise. ;)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

The driveway looks great! Do you seal it because it's asphalt or some other reason? I'm asking because no one seals their driveways here so just curious :)

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