Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August Note Card Party

Joining in the fun once again with Vee's Note Card Party!   

After a very hot and humid summer, and I'm certain we're not done yet, we have enjoyed a few days that felt like a preview of Autumn.

This made me search for my Autumn photos and here were some I really liked.


Autumn is my favorite season, and I wish that we could have a long one for a change.  After all we have long winters, and long hot summers, why can't we have a long Autumn once in a while.  Those beautifully warm days and cool nights eventually easing to cool days too.  Cider, hot chocolate, bonfires, s'mores, sweaters, scarves, local fairs.

It won't be long now.  I can hardly wait!


Cheryl said...

These note cards are my FAVORITES!! I am in love!

Oooooo...I am longing for autumn. I'll probably be back to peek at your note cards, just to get my autumn fix. (So if your stats suddenly go'll know that Cheryl was paying you lots of visits.) :D

Anonymous said...

Those pics would make beautiful note cards! And I'm like you, I'd LOVE to have a long Autumn.

podso said...

Ah, your lovely photos give me hope that a change in the weather will come!

amy said...

amen to that!

Snap said...

I'm with you! I want a long autumn. Your selections for Vee's party are cooling me off and getting me into the Autumn mood!

Becky K. said...

These are pretty, Deanna. I'm looking forward to our time in Potter County in September. Fall is just a bit earlier there. Our way of extending it...

Kati said...

Beautiful pictures! I love all your pictures but the one of the stream with leaves in it might be my favorite.

Melissa G said...

Oh your post made me long for Autumn too! It's my favorite too even though we don't get much of a season change here in FL at least it cools down a tiny bit, the nights are cooler and we can decorate for Fall.

Vee said...

Oh you poor has been a miserably long, humid summer for you all. I like your thinking...why can't we have a nice long autumn with golden glorious days and vivid blue skies? Why can't we burn our leaves so that we can smell that sweet scent again? Why can't we have a longer spring for that matter? Why cold like winter and then hot like summer with nothing in between? Sigh. I think I'm complaining.

Beautiful photos, which remind me to enjoy these last weeks of summer and to look forward to autumn, also my favorite season.

Debbie said...

That second one down is my absolute favorite! I love that and would love to see it framed. I love the way the leaves look. Autumn is my very favorite time of the year, and you captured it well.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...


I can hardly wait for fall, either. Due to the drought, our leaves are falling already so I have a feeling we will not have the gorgeous colors we did last year.

I don't know what it is about fall but it is also my favorite time of the year. So magical!

Creations By Cindy said...

Great the stream! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful notecards! I love fall and it's my favorite season. Just wish it would last as long as this miserably hot and dry summer has!!

Unknown said...

I too vote for a long fall. Spring and Autumn the two best seasons do not last long enough. Your cards have a soft misty quality I really like.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Everyone is ready for Fall after this hot summer and the colors in your photos are beautiful! Perfect for a set of cards to get us ready for Autumn!

Angela said...

I would love to have a long autumn and a long spring too. But mostly we have summer, and then winter -- fall and spring are very, very brief. My favorite is the pumpkin:)

Trish said...

Hi Deanna,
your notecards are very pretty!
I really love the second one with sunlight on the golden leaves.
It's such a lovely reminder of the best things of Autumn!
Good choice for Vee's party :-)
Have a blessed day.

Simple Home said...

Your autumn photos are wonderful!! We've had a lot of humidity this summer, (very unusual for us) and it sure has made us long for Fall. We don't get color like you do though :)

Btw, I talked to Sandy's sister Debby. She said Sandy was living in Texas. We plan to get together soon, so I'll find out a little more then.

My Little Home and Garden said...

I love autumn and I can see from your photos that you are looking forward to its return. The trees are always lovely when the colours turn.

Cheri' said...

Your pictures are so gorgeous! I too love Fall best and am hoping for a long Fall this year! We've been having fall-ish weather and I sure hope it stays awhile!

Boho Farm and Home said...

Oh Deanne...I love autumn too and I can not wait. Longing for leaves, hot tea and buscuits, apple cider and cinnamon donuts.
Yum! :)


Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...