Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tasha Tudor

It's late evening now and I feel as if I should be writing this with a quill pen by lamplight.  Instead I am typing away on my laptop in a room lit by a lamp.  

Today was Tasha Tudor Day - It's her birthday.  Clarice at Storybook Woods is hosting a celebration as she does every year.

I became a fan of Tasha when I was a girl - my Mom had a book called 'Take Joy' by Tasha that was a Christmas book - with story and songs.  It had the most darling illustrations.  I remember my 5th grade teacher was from France and I showed her the book and she taught our whole class the song 'Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella.'  

I appreciate the way that Tasha lived her life in a simple way - made her own clothes from the time period she loved, kept goats and corgis and chickens....

Victoria Magazine did many features over the years and I would read them over and over.  A few years ago when Tim and I were celebrating our 20th anniversary we went to Williamsburg, PA and I specifically went to the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum.
Tasha's dollhouse was on display.  I wrote all about it in this post

Tasha is not, nor has she ever been an 'idol' to me - I think she would think that silly.  However she has inspired me in simple living and in making things homemade and beautiful.

I think she would be happy to be remembered in this way.

photo from my visit to Williamsburg to view her dollhouse.


Vee said...

Two very interesting posts! I know so little of Tasha Tudor, though I've certainly enjoyed reading about her multiple times over today. Every blogger featured a different aspect so it was all good.

Cheryl said...

Don't you just love her books for children...such sweet illustrations, and stories of simple living. We have A Time to Keep, and A Child's Garden of Verses (of course, illustrated by Tasha). Others we have borrowed from the library numerous times...A is for Annabelle, Becky's Christmas, and my own personal favorite, Becky's Birthday.

I think it's time to get out our books...

(Nice picture of you there in Williamsburg!)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Okay, that settles it. I have got to convince Stephanie she needs another vacation in Williamsburg and then invite us again. ;)

Yes, Tasha could even be a little weird, especially the older she got. (Although I have stories of my own mother aging!).

She certainly was not a person of Faith. But isn't it neat how we can look at her life and be inspired towards simplicity?

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