Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pumpkin Bread

I have been trying to keep to my grocery budget and not overspend.  My husband gets paid every two weeks so I get cash out and shop for two weeks worth of meals, snacks, dog food, toiletries etc...

I often have a bit of cash left for the 'in between' week, which I use for milk, fresh produce and eggs.

This past week, I decided to not go to the store for pantry items or other foods if I did not have the cash. This has lead to me having to really use my creativity, and stock in the pantry.  It also lead to me realizing that the pantry items had been being used but not replaced.  

And all of this leads to Pumpkin Bread.  I don't usually make it in August - it's always more of a fall item around here, but I wanted to have something other than oatmeal or toast available for breakfast or to have as a snack.

I looked in my upstairs pantry and my pantry shelves in the basement and came up with canned pumpkin.  I had all the other necessary ingredients, so yesterday morning before heading into our shoppe I whipped up my grandma's pumpkin bread recipe.

Grandma Lily's Pumpkin Bread

3 cups of Sugar
1 cup of vegetable oil
1lb pumpkin
4 eggs

3 1/2 cup flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp allspice
2/3 water

Mix all the ingredients together and add raisins and nuts, if you like.  This makes 2 loaves.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.  It may require more time.

Also yesterday I did one tsp of salt and it tastes just fine.  I also only used cinnamon as I am not a nutmeg or cloves fan so I don't use those spices. I have added chocolate chips to this instead of raisins before.  Yummy!

 The lovely weather we have been having and all the fall buying for the shoppe have me in the Autumn mood.  What things say Autumn to you?


sherry said...

i long for a hint of autumn, and though the sunrise is happening later in the morning, the summer heat will be around until october. then the leaves in november...and rains in december onward. but autumn, my favorite season ... pumpkin bread or pumpkin most anything. for sure. and lots of aromatic spices, wheat stalks, sweaters, cozy comforters and on and on.

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Oh yum! I just love specialty breads.

Last week in Michigan I made beer bread from Tastefully Simple, but substituted Vernors gingerale and sweetened it with brown sugar, cinnamon and fresh grated nutmeg. Added diced apples to the batter and topped the full loaf pan with slices.

So good!

Vee said...

Last year, as I recall, there was some question about a pumpkin shortage so I dutifully added many cans of pumpkin to the pantry. Haven't used a one and this sounds like a great option. Really great. =D

It's feeling pretty autumnal in here all the way around. =D

Rebecca said...

Oh, this would definitely do it for me! Every time I make pumpkin-something in the fall I wonder why I don't make it year 'round. And every year, I don't! Same thing with a turkey!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh my does that look *delicious*!

And your blog is looking very pretty too. :o)

Tracy said...

Sounds delish! In other news, we are going to find a new church. My son went to youth group yesterday and more stuff happened. I actually saw some of it too. Adult didn't seem to care.

Cheryl said...

What says autumn to me? The first sign of fall at my house is the pyracantha bush whose berries are slowly turning orange...a little more each day. Every time I pull in or out of my driveway, it makes me smile. :D

I like your blog's new autumn-ish look! And the look of that pumpkin bread!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I received Hot Apple Cider K-cups for my birthday and they were perfect for the wonderful cooler weather we had for awhile.

I have extra pumpkin because the food pantries we go to had them in excess after the Holidays last year.

Hubby has been trained to take one or more if they are offered. Free super foods don't come along often.

A Heart of Praise said...

Love pumpkin bread! I have been wanting to make something with pumpkin for awhile. I may try out this recipe.:).

Vee said...

Returning to say that I made this bread for Saturday night. One loaf was sent home with our guests and the other loaf made it through this morning. I may have gained weight. John definitely did. Ha! (He's the only one who weighs in around here.) Oh the most important part — delicious!

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