Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 2, 2012

We're Heading Out

in a few minutes to take my parents to the airport.

They are leaving on a jet plane for California today.  They are excited and my mom is nervous.  She doesn't like to fly but they found great tickets on a nice airline and she has her travel pillow.  I made her an adorable pillowcase for it out of the beautiful fabric I used for my throw pillows.  Here is a photo of my pillow so you can see the fabric.  She's traveling in style today!

 We are going to have a breakfast date on the way homeI love to go out for breakfast!

We are busy here behind the scenes trying to get our website functioning.  We are learning a lot.  We are thankful that we own the domain name it makes it easier.  We plan to make it more functional, just as soon as we have the full control over it.

Tim and the girls showed their slides from Senegal yesterday.  It was such an amazing trip for them.  The presentation ended with a photo montage to the song "The Wonder Of The Cross."  Such a great reminder of God's redeeming work.

What are you up to today?


Rebecca said...

What a beautiful pillow cover!

So much going on here in the aftermath of a bad storm. After picking up ourselves and helping others with outdoor tasks, I've decided to stay in today. The heat and humidity have "taken it out of me"! I have been making meals, opening our home for people to take showers, filling water jugs, and today may do some laundry for some who are still w/o power. We'll see.

Debbie said...

She will be the most stylish traveler on the plane!

As for the folks around here, we're enjoying the company of a daughter who just flew in on that jet plane on Friday and will be leavin' on a jet plane tomorrow.

Travel graces all around!

Vee said...

Pulling slugs off plants... That sounds exciting now, doesn't it?

I'll be eager to know what your mother thinks of the flying experience in 2012 because I have nearly determined that I will never fly again. If she says it isn't too bad...

Have a delicious breakfast!

Your business will take off when the web site gets straightened around. I'm sure of it!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love eating breakfast out so much that I often request that for my birthday or anniversary! It makes for a cheap date. :)

On my second round of antibiotics,nearing the end and my ear is still clogged. I can hardly hear from it.

So I'm trying to be out in the heat and humidity as little as possible. This summer is going to be one for the record books.

Cheryl said...

I, too, hate to fly! My first flight was at age 46, and only then because my son and his family moved so far away. I buried myself in a captivating book and tried to forget that I was in the air. Ron was trying to tell me all the things that he was seeing out of his window, and I told him to enjoy it for himself and let me know what he saw when we were back on solid ground.

Today? More time spent in the laundry room which, in our farmhouse that is short on closet space, serves as linen closet, pantry, laundry center, place for the chest freezer, home for cleaning supplies and games and craft supplies and puzzles and school supplies. (Sounds like it must be a large room, but it isn't. It's just packed to the gills.) It is time for the annual summer clean out. I have escaped for a few moments while the girls are fishing "stuff" out from behind the washing machine and drier, one with a flashlight, one with the vacuum cleaner with a long attachment. (Lucky me!)

Back to the clean out...

Information Friday

  A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...