Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday

to ME!

I have had a great week already, and the rest of the week promises to be wonderful as well.

Tim and I are off to spend the day together tomorrow and then back for a family dinner. 

 Thursday I get to meet a dear blogging friend and her family!  They are coming for dinner and then we are all going to see Jonah at Sight and Sound!  I am so excited to meet my friend and her family!  

I asked for fruit trees for my gift.  I want to get a few apples and a few varieties of peaches.

Well, it's early morning now and Tim is taking me to breakfast so I should head to bed!


Becky K. said...

I am sooo sorry!!! If I had remembered I would have brought you something last night. Can we blame vacation brain?

Happy Birthday!

Cheryl said...

Happy, happy birthday to you!! I pray that you continue to have a wonderful week! How exciting to be meeting a blogging friend! =D

Vee said...

♫ A happy birthday to you, every day of the year may you feel Jesus near...♫ I know that you're going to have a fun day. Hope you find some wonderful fruit trees at a good price.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Happy Birthday to you~~~
Happy birthday to you~~~
Happy birthday Deanna~~~~!
Happy birthday to you!

(Rachey always adds, "an many mores~~~!")

May the Lord God bless you with many blessings this coming year.

Karen said...

Wishing a wonderful birthday to a wonderful friend! Sounds like you have lots of fun plans!

Happy, happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! May you have a blessed year to come!

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday to you my friend!
Enjoy the day with your honey and friends. Someday I hope to visit your neck of the woods and check out your store too!
Have a great day and enjoy!
God Bless and keep you.

Alicia @ said...

Happy happy bitthday!! Much love!

Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday my dear Auntie! I hope you had a lovely breakfast with your love and a wonderful rest of the day.
How fun that you get to meet a bloggy friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Deanna! I hope your day is as lovely as you are. :o)

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like your day is going to be very, very special...

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