Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quick Trip

We made a quick run to the western side of our state to visit Tim's dear Aunt.  We were so delighted to see how well she is doing.  She was so happy to see us!  She has a wonderful daughter and son who take great care of her, and they take turns staying with her every night, so that she can stay in her home.  She uses a walker but she still putters around the house, and can 'redd' up the kitchen.

On our way home we went to Fort NecessityIt is a smaller historic site than some we have been too, but it was interesting.  They focus as much on the National Road as they do on the fort.

This area of Pennsylvania is called The Laurel Highlands.  Really stunning views.  The trees are a few weeks from peak color, but I'd love to go back for a fall foliage trip.

When we left we took a drive through the Ohiopyle State Park
IMG 0824 from Deanna Rabe on Vimeo.

It was beautiful.

Now I am off to start my day!  It's rainy here.  There will be candles burning and bread baking soon.  Ah, Autumn!


Becky K. said...

We really enjoyed the color as we came across the turnpike. It is going to be a gorgeous year for color, I think.
Glad to hear that Tim's Aunt is doing so well. I'm sure she was just delighted to see all of you.
I just lit a candle. Great day for it.

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

I got to wander around and snap some pictures of the colors here in NW PA yesterday as I started my 31 days of Joy.

Good thing too because today is dark and rainy!

Vee said...

John just came in here and asked my why I was holding my head that way. Ha! You know why I'm sure! Beautiful location.

I'm glad that you found Tim's aunt doing so very well. That's fantastic.

It's looking so delightfully autumnal in here! Enjoy your candle day...

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a wonderfully satisfying trip...a sweet visit, an educational field trip, and some gorgeous views of God's creations!

And then a day at home with bread baking and a candle burning...sigh...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...