Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's The Little Things

For a month or so, the left shift key has been gone.

It was a real pain to type with it missing.

Tim asked Em's friend Joseph the other night about replacing the key, and he mentioned that it would be inexpensive to replace the whole keyboard.  Tim got online and after a bit of research, he ordered it.

This laptop gets a workout everyday.  From blogging to email to the kids' math programs, it's a work horse!

The new keyboard came today!  It took 3 days I think.

 So out with the old...

 in with the new...

     Hello left shift key...

It's the little things in life that make me happy!


Melissa G said...

Haha, we're missing our left shift key too as well as the caps lock key. I'll have to look into getting a new keyboard as well. Yes, it's those little things that can drive you crazy. Glad you got yours fixed!

Cheryl said...

Can we say frustrating? I'm glad you found a simple solution for a "little thing." Now you can continue to do big things with your computer!

Ginny said...

Hooray for a fully functional keyboard! Having had keyboard problems with two separate laptops, I identified with your frustration. Glad you have a new keyboard!

Theresa said...

My hubby needs a new one for his laptop! I may need some help replacing it:) Have a blessed day with your new shift key! HUGS!

Karen said...

How difficult was it to swap?

I'm afraid I'd end up buying a wireless keyboard (which wouldn't be very convenient at times) because I'd be afraid of how hard it would be to switch.

Glad it's all fixed now. I bet you almost feel like you got a new laptop. Those little things feel like pretty big things when they aren't right...

If I don't get back before then, Merry Christmas to the whole Rabe clan!

Vee said...

Grinning here. I have a missing "n" and "m" key. I know what it's like. I have talked to Santa about this so I'm hoping... And it really is all about the little things...

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I'm sure that was a bit frustrating to deal with! For some reason it never occurred to me that you could replace the keyboard of a laptop! Good to know!

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