Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days

I decided to challenge myself to post everyday, and I have been wanting to write about a subject that has been on my mind quite a bit the last few years, as I have headed toward age 50.

The subject is Loving the Season You're In.  

I think this is a big issue for women.  Our culture despises aging, and yet it is something that we all will do.  I think we can do it gracefully or well, not.

Take for example a woman I saw at Costco this year.  I was in a long line and saw from a distance a woman in an out fit that included a mini skirt, platform shoes and a pink jacket that was short.  She had shoulder length blond hair.  In front of me was a man in his upper 60's and I realized she was coming to meet up with him.  As she got closer I could see that she was in her mid to late 60's.  I was so surprised!  Here was a 'boomer' trying to hold on to youth and not doing it well!  From far away she looked young because of her clothes.  But close up she was definitely her age.

I felt sad for her.  NOT because I think there are old lady clothes and young lady clothes, but because she was trying so desperately to NOT be old.  Did her clothes make her young?  Not at all.  She obviously was not loving the season of life she was in.

In this series, I want to talk about how we can live life to the fullest in each season of life and love it.

I hope you'll join me everyday for this timely (for me) subject!


Cheryl said...

Oh, I am so glad that you have taken the 31-day challenge...and I am excited about your topic!

Debbie said...

I will be interested to see what else you have to say in this 31 days of blogging.

On this topic, I could not agree more. In the attempt to look younger, so many women end up looking a little clownish, IMO.

Kathy said...

I love this subject, too. My mother taught us to embrace every stage of life. In her eighties, she still models contentment for the rest of us every day. I look forward to this series.

Vee said...

This is a topic I've rarely, if ever, seen discussed. It should prove interesting. I often think of a woman between my grandmother's age and my mother's so 12 years younger than one and 12 years older than the other. She was always what most would call a "large" woman, but she carried herself beautifully. No slouching, no trying to hide and she wore beautiful clothes that fit her properly and she always had her hair and make-up "done." Her shoes were comfortable and still stylish. I truly admired her and wished that I could be more like her. It's like the saying goes, "If you're going to be a ____, be the best _________you can be." For me, this would mean deciding what I am. LOL! Thanks, Deanna, very thought-provoking!

Melissa G said...

I'm looking forward to reading your posts about Loving the Season You're In!

Theresa said...

I WILL enjoy your every day posts:) I want to look nice and not like a 59 year old lady trying to look 20:) It is possible! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Sue said...

So looking forward to this series,of loving the season you are in, I know I will glean so much. If I dressed in a mini skirt Dh would send me back to my room. ~smile~

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I believe in living our lives to the whatever age. And looking and feeling good, too. This is a wonderful subject and I am WAY older than you! lol

sherry said...

i'm 5 years past a half century. my hair is long and silver - i have some lines on my face starting and i dress appropriately for my age. and ya know what? i'm really content with all that. it hurts my heart actually, to see women my age or even older who attempt to look as young as surgically possible .. anxious and in bondage over a societal standard. we don't need to look matronly or frumpy .. class is simply elegant.

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