Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 9, 2015

And She's Gone…

It was a quick weekend visit, but it was so good.

 The men were at lunch with us too, you just can't see them.  They are all down near me!

She worked on two papers that were due today, hung out with family, visited with everyone at church.  We went to lunch to celebrate her 21st birthday, I took her for a manicure, and then we came home for cake with the family and her friend Jennica.

It is such a blessing to talk with her and hear what the Lord is teaching her.  I'm blessed by her heart to follow Him.

I've already driven her to BWI and I am home again.  She's in flight as we speak.  

Last night she and Kamryn were skating.  In the house.  Why, yes, I do sometimes live in the circus!

I'll likely have a nap this afternoon, as it was a very short night.

Thank you for all your kind birthday wishes for Emma, and for her visit home.  You are the best kinds of friends and I am thankful for you!


podso said...

Love the skating!

Vee said...

One can tell just looking at her smile that she enjoyed a beautiful Happy Birthday weekend. Enjoy that nap!

Cheryl said...

Oh, it looks like the loveliest of weekends!! So happy for you!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...