Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 13, 2015

One Week

It's one week until SPRING, but the signs are everywhere.

Even though the grasses are brown, and the trees are still barren, we live in such a beautiful place.

The starlings are visiting our neighborhood this morning.  You can see them in the side yard of our property.

We have yet to see what March will do but we have the hope of spring now!

How does it look where you live?  I know our 'down under' friends are moving into Autumn.  


Vee said...

Still looking white...glaringly so. Glad that PA is coming out of her long winter's nap.

Theresa said...

It is looking a little like Spring around these parts:) The grass is starting to turn green and there are a few birds chirping early in the mornings! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

It's looking spring-like here! Such a wonderful time of year.

Margery said...

It's still very white here in NY, next up is mud season, but then follows spring.

Tea and Friendship

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