Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 27, 2015

Love The Home You Have

 I am blessed to have an early copy of Melissa Michaels' first book, Love The Home You Have.  It was sent to me with no obligation to say anything about it.  But I must!

Melissa and I are blogging acquaintances.  She and I started blogging in 2007 and I came across her blog early in my blog reading.  She felt like a friend and still does.  I still read her blog every day, though I don't always comment.  We share a similar philosophy about our homes and how we think of them and use them.  I especially love her thoughts on creating a haven.

Her book is full of encouragement, and reminds me of Emilie Barnes books from the early 1990s.  Those helped me to love my home and to desire to make it a HOME for my family.  Melissa's book will do this for many, many women.

 There are really sweet graphics to emphasize certain aspects of the chapters.

The chapters are so helpful

 There is even a 31 Day Challenge in the back of the book!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it before but I start libraries for my kids.  Books that have been meaningful to us as a family or a classic, or by a well loved author.  I also have books that I am buying for my girls to help encourage them when they have their own homes.  

This is one that I will be buying for my girls and for Kayleigh, as well.  I know that it will serve them well, when they have their own homes.

I hope you pick up this book for yourself, as a gift for a friend, or as an encouragement for a young mom.  You'll be so glad you did!


Vee said...

Oh it would make a wonderful bridal shower gift! Good idea.

Cheryl said...

I am also an "Inspired Room" reader! Melissa's writing and home philosophy is so "inspiring" (yes!) and down-to-earth...and I can imagine that her book is the same. I will definitely be purchasing it! (Or requesting it for Mother's Day?) :)

Thanks for the review and the tempting peek inside!

Anonymous said...

I love the name of the book. It seems that the content inside will sound great!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Aw, thank you so much for this wonderful post. I'm very grateful we have connected online. I adore the idea of starting a library for your family, I've shared books with my girls too and I think that is such a wonderful idea!!

Thank you again for your encouragement and recommending the book!


podso said...

Starting a library for your girls is such a wonderful idea. And this book sounds really good, thanks for the info about it,

Theresa said...

What a beautiful book:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

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