Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Seasons: Spring Has Arrived

Last night I heard the definitive sound of spring - the spring peepers!  They were singing away when I let Sadie out for one last chance to do her business before we go to bed.  The peepers weren't loud as they are sometimes, but this made me know without a doubt that spring had arrived.

We worked in the front flower garden yesterday.  Our home faces west and our neighbor to the west has a huge oak tree.  All fall and winter that tree loses leaves and they blow our way.  We raked in the fall but yesterday there was a ton more!  They also blow up the driveway and swirl around and land right by our kitchen door.  That all got swept out and those we allowed to get blown towards the creek!  It was a windy day yesterday.  Otherwise between cutting a few things back, pulling up some weeds and scooping up the leaves we had 3 wheelbarrows full!  

It is lovely to see the tulips poking up through the soil.   I wish they would be in bloom by Sunday but it will be several weeks yet.  We also need to mulch soon!

The birds are singing and busily going about their business in the front yard.

Soon a small bird family will make their home in this cute bird house.
 I may need to move this bird house.  I want to use 12x12 inch pavers to make a sitting area in this section of the garden.  It is in an awkward space and mostly gets weeds that must be pulled!  I can envision a small table and chairs in this space.  In the photo below, taken a few weeks ago at dusk, it would be down at the far end of the garden just past the front door.  It would allow for us to enjoy the flowers in this front garden by giving us a place to sit rather than just sit on the steps.

I love dreaming about ways to make our home a space that is warm and welcoming, outside as well as inside!

So, what is your definitive sign of spring where you live?


Theresa said...

The birds are chirping this morning and the sun is shining thru the blinds:) LOVE this time of year, seeing the plants poking thru the mulch... AHHHHH Spring! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Birdsong, beautiful light, and peepers, all definitely signs of spring! I'll let you know when I hear peepers.

The best things begin with a dream! I love your idea for having an outside seating area. It will be so charming! Yes, I can see it now. Don't forget the umbrella! Some folks find their sets at the transfer station! I guess that people don't realize that the tables can be given a fresh coat of paint.

Keep dreaming!

Ginny said...

I wish I could say for sure that spring had arrived here in western New York, but just tonight, the weatherman said we will have snow for Easter! Still, my tulips are poking their heads through the ground, and I've seen robins. We are expecting a high of about 60 on Thursday, a temperature we haven't seen since last November! I think everyone is more than ready for spring, but it would appear that God hasn't yet decided to stop sending cold and snow this way.

Cheryl said...

We heard the first peepers weeks ago, and, oh, it was a welcome sound! Our daffodils are finally in bloom. Now we're waiting for the forsythia. It is so exciting to see spring unfolding!

Buttercup said...

We've got just about the same picture on our blogs today, the first green shoots. I've been waiting for them and what a treat to finally see them.

Tea and Friendship

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