Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 6, 2015

Change Of Plans

Well, this winter has certainly beat me this week.  But I am not complaining anymore.  The Lord has reminded me that I trust Him and that cancellations and changes of plans are all in His hands.

We had several bad weather events this week, and it caused changes to MY plans.  This made me annoyed.  The biggest was that Emma's flight home last night was cancelled and she is getting in tonight, Lord willing, instead.  This was a huge disappointment as she was to get to see our friend Amy before she moves back to Texas tomorrow.  

God reminded me to trust Him with it all, and to see what He would have for me in this.

He has worked out the details for it all.

He is good, and He has my best in mind at all times.  We may never know why He allowed a "light snow showers on Thursday morning" to turn into a huge snow storm that dropped 10 1/2 inches here, and cancelled Emma's flight, but He does.

And that's good enough for me.

This was a few hours before the storm was over.


Theresa said...

Sorry for the plan changes, but as you said... God is in control, not us:) Have a blessed day, stay warm dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Ten and a half inches?! Yowzer! I don't think that anything fries my franny more than having my plans messed with. Guess that's why The Lord sees fit to mess with then so often. I have no doubt that He will work everything according to His plan. Many blessings to you and your family today! Hope that everyone finds a good hill to slide on.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

This last storm hit Kentucky and pretty much missed us. I am thankful as the snow from the previous storm is still quite deep. It was -6 this morning but we are to begin a warm up. Melt snow, melt!

podso said...

I'm so sorry things veered off your desired path. But what a great attitude. Have a good weekend with your daughter. I think spring is around the corner. Maybe this is winter's last hurrah. It sure is freezing here today but at least we have sunshine.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I always feel things happen for a reason. Hopefully your Emma will make it tonight, and safely.

Tea and Friendship

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