Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 2, 2015

In Like A Lion

I've been patient, I really have.  I have embraced each season, for years, not wanting to be discontent with the moment.  I've not whined when it was too hot and humid, nor have I whined when it's been so cold.

Until yesterday.  I am done.  March came roaring in like a lion yesterday.  Snow, then sleet/ice.  It caused us to cancel our ladies trip to the tea house after church. 

With our friend Amy.  

Who is moving back to Texas on Saturday.  

We don't get a redo on this.  

That was the moment I wanted to stomp my foot and pout a bit.  

I know that it will be officially Spring on March 20th this year.  Spring on the calendar will come but I am longing to see some spring flowers popping up.

 My calendar is so pretty.  

 Sweet birdies, and flowers.

 can actually here real birds chirping away out in my front garden!  That is a hopeful sound!

This date is important!  It's Emma's birthday!

This date is important too, because we are flying Emma home for her birthday weekend! 

So I am praying that nothing happens to keep her from getting here!  We are all excited.

On a brighter note,

Sarah played for the offering time yesterday.  She did a fine job.

Supposedly, when March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb and vice versa.  But last year it was cold in March but no really lion or lamb type behavior.

Okay, I'm done whining.  Remind me of this when I'm whining about how hot it is this summer okay?


Becky K. said...

I felt so badly that we couldn't continue with our plans yesterday....even shed some tears earlier in the morning when the maps showed the ice filling in during our planned time at the tea house. Your face made me feel so badly for you. Some things ARE just that disappointing. This was one of them.
Sarah played so well yesterday. We talked about it later....wish Joseph could have heard his student shine. :-) They are doing great.
Praying that Emma gets home in good time and that you all have a wonderful time. Chelsea's face lit up when she heard that she'll see Emma this weekend.

Theresa said...

Beautiful piano music:) It's not going to stay cold much longer, I promise! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I am sorry that your tea gathering was cancelled. This is so disappointing. I know that you have treasured Amy's friendship and that you'll miss her greatly.

Like you, I am so ready to move on to spring. I am craving green. Our winter started out like a "normal" winter, but February kicked us hard! Weather-wise, that is.

It looks like March will hold some lovely things for you and yours! Yay, March!!

Vee said...

Now that just stinks! Are you sure there is no redo? If not, I understand the whimper. I don't call it a whine.

Hopefully, by month's end, this long, cruel winter will be a fading memory. I looked at my blog posts from last year and so I know to buck up a bit longer.

Good plans coming your way!

podso said...

That looks like a Lang calendar? It will be interesting to see what March brings. Today it just got sunny and warmer, but cold and rain again tomorrow. It looks to be a seesaw week. Meanwhile I'll take the sun today.

Farrah said...

I'm sorry about your event being cancelled.

Lang calendars are my favorite!

Ginny said...

Somewhere, under the 2 foot plus snow pack, there are bulbs, just waiting to put forth green leaves and flowers. Right?

Tea and Friendship

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