Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Let's Have A Chat And Look At Flowers From My Garden

I didn't post yesterday because I had a lot on my mind and I was processing it all.  Do you have days like that?

I watched this documentary trailer yesterday at Mundane Faithfulness.  A friend shared it online and I was so moved as I watched it.  The beauty of lives trusting in God and the pain of a life being lost to cancer.

I also wanted to share with you a post by a woman whom I've known most of my life.  She was a mentor to me in my youth.  She is one of the authors of the Princess Parables.

Jacquie was a missionary in Central America when I was a young girl and in this post she shared an experience that God used to teach her 
trials + Acceptance of the trial with joy and thanksgiving = Growth/Maturity

Go here to read the post.  It's challenging and encouraging.

Daily we have the choice of how we are going to respond to what HE is allowing in our lives, for our good.

Behind the scenes here at Creekside Cottage life is happening.  Children are learning, our cottage is being cared for, we spend Tuesdays with my parents, work to be available to help others.  Lessons not of the academic kind, are being learned by all of us, and we daily walk in Grace.  It is so needed, and I am thankful.

We are having warmer weather now, so I am feeling the coming of Spring.  In honor of that I thought I'd share some photos of flowers from my gardens over the last few years.  I am looking forward to seeing these in the garden this year!

Have a great day friends!


Estelle's said...

Oh how this did my heart good to see beautiful spring flowers in your garden. Just lovely Deanna!

podso said...

Thanks for the link to Mundane Faithfulness. I tried to watch the trailer before and it didn't work so now I see it. Your flowers are pretty and you will see them soon. Our daffodils are blooming and the grass is turning greener by the minute it seems. Spring is here, finally! What a change a week makes! I appreciated your thoughts this morning.

Cheryl said...

I saw both of those posts yesterday (one on your recommendation) and I was moved by both. So many opportunities to trust God...for "without faith, it is impossible to please Him." Too often, people think of faith as some kind of force or magic power to get what we want, when really it is simply trusting that God is always, always good and living that out.

Loved your chat here well as yesterday's that was behind the scenes...

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

It's so nice to see spring flowers being shared by other bloggers, it's what keeps me going until ours appear next month. I watched the trailer from Mundane Faithfulness and have been thinking about the positive attitudes shown from the family. A sad story but at the same time shows how someone can accept their destiny from God and achieve peace of mind.

Vee said...

How I missed this post, I don't know. I really enjoyed the cartoon clip...I may have to put a bug in John's ear about getting that for the greats. It looks like something little girls would love. I really appreciated what your friend shared about that very scary time when the soldiers came to her home. What her husband told her was perfect. It's a little easier to stay calm when that part is remembered. We have read and heard of so many similar things happening. Your flowers are gorgeous. Thank you for the reminder that spring is not so very far away...weeks here, and perhaps just days there. I am so concerned about Becky's situation...all that water. Ugh. We need to pray for a gentle spring after this long winter.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...