Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Work In The Home Is So Important!

Sometimes work around our homes can seem like it has no value.  We are just keeping a house clean, or washing clothes, or making meals.

Our culture has taught us that those things are not important, they're just something that has to be done.  We aren't taught how to  do these things well, usually coming to some sort of organization and 'way' of doing them, after we marry.

I like the way these look in the kitchen window, especially when the sun is streaming in.

I don't always want to do these things either.  

True confession.  

However, I have learned to enjoy making my home a place of beauty, and warmth, and welcome.  Not to "impress, but to bless" as my dear friend Cheryl says.  I like it to be reasonably clean at all times, while recognizing that we live in our house and we are busy with learning, art projects, cooking or baking, legos.  I want to be able to get things cleaned up in a reasonable amount of time.

My Mother Fern is thriving!

I mentioned to my friend Jennifer on Sunday that house work is Kingdom work, and that is really how I see it.  By keeping my home, and having my children here with me during the day, I am being given the opportunity to be light in my neighborhood, and in the lives of my children.  I'm able to welcome someone in for a cup of tea, or coffee, to chat and encourage them, or to give some kind of aid.  Today, a friend who borrowed Tim's truck came by, to exchange vehicles.  Tim had run to the store, so while he waited I was able to visit with him, and not be embarrassed by the state of my house.

Muddy boots in front of the cabinet that we moved up from the basement.  Mail on the table coasters and essential oil on the side table.  Real life.

Now, big disclaimer.  I am not embarrassed by a basket of laundry to be folded.  If we are having company, and we haven't had a chance to fold yet, I'll move it into my room.  Who wants to look at our laundry, after all?  But if someone just drops by, I don't fret about it.  I am not trying to set a standard of perfection that is unreasonable with a house full of people who live here 24/7.

I am able to walk beside my children everyday, talking about the Lord, and preparing them for the life God has for them.  As they go out into the world as adults, but also long before that, they will influence others by their lives, and in a sense, my work goes forward as well, and will continue into the lives of a generation I may not live to see!

So every time I wipe up a spill, wash dishes or walk by daughter through cooking a meal, I am doing the hard work of discipleship, and I am being 'exercised' by it as well.  The house work is just part of my work here at home.

What a privilege!  

I rearranged Emma's bedroom.  This gives a lot more floor space than the way it was previously set up.  I love making changes to improve the way our home works for us.

If you are an empty nester, your work in your family still goes on, even if it is not in a direct manner.  Your children are taking what you helped to teach them, and carrying that with them as they work, parent, and reach out into their communities.  The time you spend with your grandchildren is important, too.  They need your influence and love.  And you can still have significant ministry in the lives of your own parents or other family members, or young moms that need encouragement.  You get the idea!

We have been reading in the book of 1 Samuel and last week were reading about Nabal refusing to give food to David or his men.  David, whose men had been providing protection to Nabal's shepherds for no charge, was angry and set to ride to destroy Nabal.  Abigail, Nabal's wife, hears about Nabal's refusal and sets about to make a gift of food and provision for David.  She had her household prepared for the shearing season and the food needed to feed all the men shearing the sheep.  Abigail was able to easily gather the following -

1 Samuel 25 -
18 Then Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already dressed, five seats of roasted grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys.

Because she had her home in order, and because of her wise heart, she was able to keep their household from disaster.  Her work in her home was important for the saving of the household, literally!

Be encouraged, friends, that the work of home keeping, and raising your families is of great worth.  The pay may not be great but the rewards are eternal.

I rearranged my sitting room space in the master bedroom.  It is a really good set up for this space and I am enjoying it very much.


Unknown said...

What an authentic and genuine expression of the importance of homemaking. Thank you for the reminder.

Vee said...

Chery's quote comes to mind quite often here, too. I am so admiring your sitting area in your bedroom. Do you use it often? It looks so cozy and pleasant.

podso said...

You said it all well.

Cheryl said...

What a wonderful, encouraging post!! Homemaking is such valuable work!
(And I must add..."Not to impress, but to bless" might have been my words, but you sure live them out!)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Deanna, I am one of the few women that likes to clean and iron, it must be the home making instincts in my genes. Besides, a woman's love for her house in doing the necessary tasks is what makes it a home.
I will admit, I'm a little uncomfortable when someone just drops by without calling first but that's just part of an English upbringing. It's more important to appreciate the visit and right away the kettle will go on and something is found to have with tea.
You have a very cozy looking sitting area, a good place to get away on your own with a good book.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...