Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let The Birthdays Begin

May is a crazy birthday month for our family.  

It starts today with my Dad's birthday - he's 76 years old!  Then a niece has her birthday on the 7th.  My Mom is next on the 15th.  She is celebrating the 34th anniversary of her 39th birthday.  On the 24th is our son Nate's 26th birthday, the 28th is another niece's birthday, and on the 31st is Rachel's 16th birthday. (Tim's brother and his sister both married in May as well, so there are two anniversaries this month!)

These together with Mother's Day makes for a very fun and full May!

Thankfully, we do one big celebration as an extended family, but will celebrate Rachel's 16th birthday in a special way.  16 is a big deal!  She will go the following week to get her driver's permit!  She is ready!  

Do you have any months full of lots of birthdays or anniversaries?


Lee Ann said...

No not really. You guys seem to have so much fun planning events like this.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Yes, we do! We celebrate our wedding anniversary tomorrow on the 6th, Hubby's birthday is the 8th, then Mother's Day. The 11th is our middle son and his sweet wife's anniversary and then our grandson has a birthday on the 19th. It's a busy month for us too; a happy month! Happy celebrations to you and your family!


Cheryl said...

August is our cRaZy birthday month!! It can be a little challenging, but lots of fun! :D

Vee said...

It used to be October. Now, they are pretty well spread out. You should know that John is still 26...that's the year that he decided he was old enough and wouldn't be getting any older. I can't believe that Rachel will be 16! Course, it is handy having another driver in the house!

podso said...

There are birthdays in May but it's just an overall really nice month for other reasons too. Not too hot, Mother's Day, end of year celebrations, spring lingering flowers, etc. Enjoy all your celebrations!

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to her! She's beautiful!
I'd say October for us...or November...or...Hahaaaa

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...