Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 22, 2015

Sight And Sound Theatres - Joseph!

Photo from after the show.  The employees can give tours to their guests.  Here are many people on the stage.  This is how the set pieces are stored before, during and after the shows.

Last night the kids and I had the privilege again, of going to an employee premier of a show at Sight and Sound.  I have no photos of the show, of course, but I wish you each could have been with me to see it.

It is amazing.  Joseph first premiered in 2010 and ran for two seasons here in Lancaster, and then ran two seasons in Branson.  It is my favorite show, and having kids who work there, I was so blessed to see it several times.

They did dress rehearsals this week.  Six run throughs of the whole show.  Lindsay would text me things like, "The actor playing Joseph has a great voice" or "The actor playing Potiphar reminds me of Ben Kingsley."  She was there working animals in the show though, she will soon be leaving her job there.

She was right.  The actor playing Joseph is amazing.  He is a great singer and a wonderful actor.  We were sitting on the floor level and close to the stage and you could see every facial expression and interaction.  His character goes from a 17 year old boy to the time Joseph was in leadership in Egypt, no one more powerful than he, except Pharaoh.  

There are amazing songs in this show.  There is the bitterness of brothers who know that their father loves his sons from wife Rachel more than he loves them, sons whose hearts are not after God's heart.  There is jealousy, and then hatred and a desire to be rid of Joseph.  There is a young man who faithfully serves God, in spite of his hard circumstances.  Who struggles with coming face to face with the brothers who sold him into slavery, and yet who was able to forgive them and see God's hand in putting him into these circumstances.  

One of my favorite songs is when, the brothers are headed back to Egypt with Benjamin, and they sing of "making what was wrong now right."  They want to go forward as honorable men.

The show has been updated a bit, there is new choreography and a new song, but the message of walking upright before the Lord, and of forgiveness are powerful!

Here is a song from the original cast recording of Joseph.  He has just had one of his dreams - the one of the stars, sun and moon bowing down to him.

If you are coming to Lancaster before Christmas, I hope you'll make this show a MUST on your things to see and do!  It will touch your heart.  


Vee said...

Wonderful! So glad that it continues to be a powerful show. Lindsay is moving on?

Theresa said...

Looks like a wonderful show! Wish I could see it! I know you are proud:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

How fun for Lindsay to be involved in this!

Cheryl said...

It does look like a wonderful show! I love reading about the life of Joseph...powerful lessons there! I am sure that Sight and Sound does a beautiful job of translating this story to the stage.

I am eager to hear about what's next for Lindsay!

Lee Ann said...

We will be there in June. Maybe we can go see this!

Sherry said...

i wish i could squirrel away time and $ to come visit... :)
fantastic show and experience, i'm sure.

Sue said...

I love live theater, the story in the Bible of Joseph has always been a favorite of mine.So many life lessons to learn! Lindsay is certainly getting some wonderful opportunities to expand her wings, I think this is awesome!
Thanks for sharing,
Have a blessed memorial Day Weekend!

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