Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

3 Hats And A Prayer Request

Three hats down, 6 hats to go!

 I am now working on hats for my young nieces (2), hats for two more great nephews (they live in Alaska!), one for my great niece in Florida and I'll make a new one for Kamryn, my grandgirlie!

The prayer request is for Cheryl of Thinking About Home.
Her husband had foot surgery last month and has had some complications since then.  He's been in the hospital for a few weeks, with an infection, an allergic reaction to medication, a second surgery, and some deep vein blood clots.  He is doing better and it seems as if he will be able to come home tomorrow evening, which is great news.  He will have IV antibiotics, and be on blood thinner for a while.

They've been on a roller coaster of recovery, set backs, highs, lows and emotions.   Please keep them in prayer for healing, and for Ron to be able to come home tomorrow night.  Cheryl is keeping her eyes on the Lord and what He has for them in this.  I know they'll appreciate your prayers.


Terra said...

Praying for Ron and Cheryl. Jeremiah 30:17

Melissa G said...

Whoohooo! I'm excited! We'll put those hats to very good use up here near the arctic! :)

Buttercup said...

I was just -- 5 minutes ago -- thinking is there anyone who needs prayer. Happy to add my prayers. Asking for prayer for my friend Mike's father, who had a biopsy yesterday.

Vee said...

What a roller coaster Ron and Cheryl have been on. Praying for healing and getting sprung from the hospital tomorrow night or sooner. Being home is very healing in itself. Thank you for sharing this news.

Those hats look nice and warm! My goodness you have busy hands these days.

Becky K. said...

Praying for Ron and Cheryl. I'm sure she is more than ready to have him home again.
I love the hat color choices. Great job! You made good progress even in your busy schedule.

Sue said...

You do such beautiful work, Cheryl!
Thanks for letting us know about Ron and Cheryl, They will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Sherry said...

for healing, excellent health care, strength, wisdom, peace.

Rebecca said...

Your hats are attractive - and just in time :)
Thanks for the heads up about Cheryl & Ron.

podso said...

Thanks for the update on Cheryl and Ron. You're on a roll with those hats!

Theresa said...

You go girl, making those beautiful hats for loved ones! I will add your friend to my prayer list! God knows all about it and can heal him! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS! said...

Thanks for letting us know about Cheryl, have been thinking about them.

Debby Ray said...

I am so glad that you have shared this information. I knew a little of what her husband was facing but didn't about all of the complications...I have checked her blog and I knew she had been MIA for a while now. I had already decided to shoot her an email this week and now by reading this, I am reminded again. Thank you...great winter hats, BTW!! I wish I was a hat person, 'cause I'd surely wear one of those! :)

ellen b. said...

Oh I have been thinking about Cheryl and wondering what was going on. Thank you for posting this. Sending my hugs to all and my prayers to the throne.

Linda said...

Your hats are beautiful! Prayers for Cheryl and her husband.....

Linda said...

Stopping over from Vee's...keeping prayer. Blessings

Cheryl said...

Deanna, my heart is so touched at your kindness in sharing our need!! We have felt His love through you in these past weeks and we are so grateful!! With much love...

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...