Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 27, 2015

We Gathered

Thanksgiving was a day of family gathered around our table.

 With married kids we know that we will have to share the holidays.  Last year Lindsay and Joseph were with his family.  This year we get them!
 We ate great food, enjoyed being together, played games, watch movies, looked at old family photos my parents had brought with them.

 Here is a photo of my brother and I in our jammies.  

I hope you had a good day too.  Today, I'll be begin the process of greening the house, and getting the focus on celebrating Advent and Christmas.


Theresa said...

Nothing better than being with Family! Yes ma'am we have to share as the family grows and that's OK too:) Cute picture of you and your Brother:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

It sounds like the best kind of day!!

Vee said...

You two look as if you're right off the set of "Leave it to Beaver!" So cute! Looks as if you all had a great day together. Enjoy the greening of the house...

Linda said...

You certainly set a beautiful table. I bet the meal was just as good! Looks like it was a nice family gathering.

Rebecca said...

How wonderful that you took the time to get the close-up photos! Your table was SIMPLY beautiful :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Family gatherings for holidays are the best times ever! Haha, Vee is right - your brother does resemble Beaver.
Have fun decorating for Christmas.

Donna said...

Looks like you all had a fun time!

Home Keeping

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