Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Scenes From The Cottage

 A bright spot on this rainy November day. 

Did I tell you my friend Amy visited me on Tuesday?  They are living back in Texas but we in Baltimore visiting her husband who is almost done with his fourth year of residency at Johns Hopkins.  Anyway - we were having such a good time, that I didn't take any photos.  None, zip, nada.  She took photos but I think they were mostly of the beautiful trees.  She says they just have brown now at at home. Love you Amy.  Thanks for the visit and for bringing the kids too!  Sarah and Kyle had so much fun.
 I mowed yesterday, and reduced the leaves to a much smaller size.  This photo was taken from my bedroom window of one of the Red Sunset Maples in the front yard.  The way the leaves are falling these trees will be bare by next week.  It's always so sad when this beautiful time of year ends.
 While I was already hanging out the window I decided to take a photo of my neighbors pretty tree.

 At the back of the house, from the deckThe trees along the creek  are still pretty.
 The garden gave me a beautiful gift yesterday.  While mowing I spotted this big bunch of Italian parsley!  It had become hidden by the tomatoes this summer and I assumed that it was gone.  This mild weather we've had must have brought it back!   I have it hanging to dry in the kitchen!
 Beauty in spite of imperfection.  This is one of the trees along the creek.
 In my bedroom this morning.  My last birthday gift.  A beautiful Indian cotton weave.




Sherry said...

what a lovely view from your home.. wait. you have a little couch and comfy chair *in your bedroom*?! happily envious am i. :) our bedroom is on the smallish size but perhaps i can move my husband's armoire into the office..... wink.

Debby Ray said...

Your trees look about like ours here in NC...still some pretty pops of color but many have dropped off. We actually still have some in our yard that have lost none...and have barely even turned...crazy weather! Lovely photos... especially that beautiful yellow mum with the gourds! Happy Thursday :)

podso said...

It looks like a lot of leaves are gone but still some pretty color. Lots of green grass and we're thankful for all the rain, though it just keeps coming!

Vee said...

Hanging out windows, eh? LOL

What fun to have a visit with a good friend. Such a good visit that you forgot your camera. (I have to force myself to think of the camera these days.)

Linda said...

Your fall is so pretty!! This is a good time of the year! That single leaf is beautiful!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...