Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Big News!

Kayleigh really wanted to do a gender reveal party when she knew that she and Emma would be having their ultrasounds on the same day.  It was just family, including her dad and stepmom.

Kayleigh arranged it with Emma that they would make cupcakes and put the color of the gender inside the cupcakes.  After their appointments they each baked cupcakes at their own houses.

 Rachel and I went out today and got a few decorations including these cute straws.

Kayleigh brought Raspberry Lemonade and added blueberries.  She also made these cute cupcakes.

Emma made these fun cupcakes.  I had both kinds of course because I wanted to reveal who my new grandbabies were going to be, and they were tasty!

I made these cookies.  Well, I dipped animal crackers into melted vanilla chips that I added a bit of food coloring into.  They tasted really good.

We bought some balloons - a party is more fun with balloons, right?

A cute banner...

Sarah hung streamers...

Waiting for everyone to arrive - only the people on that couch (and Nate and Kamryn) knew whether they were having boys or girls.  I can't believe how patient I was!!!

We had everyone right their prediction.  I wrote what I knew they thought they were having.

Finally - A bite from each cupcake revealed that both Nate and Kay and Vinnie and Emma are having girls!  As Emma hashtagged #twincousins!

I am super excited!  I have three grandgirlies!

I am going to go to the fabric store now and get busy with blankies and quilts!  Oh, and little dresses, and ruffled bloomers, tights, lace socks and little Mary Janes.


I'm super happy.  Of course if we had found out they were boys...or one boy and one girl we would be equally happy.  Let the fun begin!


Lorrie said...


Melissa G said...

The day seemed to drag for me by waiting to hear the news! :) So exciting to hear they are having girls.

Tim said...

Woohoo!!!! Can't wait!

Ginny said...

Congratulations to you all! My first grandchild - a girl - was born at the end of February. I love her to pieces! Girls are so much fun to sew for; I haven't seen so much in a long time.

Vivielle said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Two little girls. :) I read your blog regularly and almost never comment, by the way, but I really enjoy it even when I don't comment.

By the way, I hope this isn't an impertinent question, but is your daughter Emma or Emily? I see both, and sometimes it confuses me. :)

Vivielle said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Two little girls. :) I read your blog regularly and almost never comment, by the way, but I really enjoy it even when I don't comment.

By the way, I hope this isn't an impertinent question, but is your daughter Emma or Emily? I see both, and sometimes it confuses me. :)

podso said...

I see lots of tea parties in your future!

Theresa said...

Congratulations!!! Lucky you:). Have a blessed day dear friend. Hugs

Lisa said...

Congrats!!!! It's so fun to shop for pink!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like such a fun evening - and so much to celebrate!

Debby Ray said...

Oh my! Congratulations! We have only one little girl in the family after two sons and three grandsons. No more grands are to be expected either. Get busy sewing now! :)

Cheryl said...

That had to have been so exciting for everyone! Double blessings! Congratulations to all!

Vee said...

(Okay...I was also using the testing to keep a toe hold.) Warm congrats all around! I must type very slowly while here.

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