Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Graduation 2016

Just a quick few photos from last night, all taken by phones, the first two were with mine and the rest with my mom's.

She was excited and nervous!  The graduates all prepared something to say to their parents during the ceremony, and this is not her comfort zone.  She did great though!

Before the ceremony

The graduates file in to Pomp and Circumstance with their parents.  Tim is just a step out of the frame on Rachel's right side.

We had a few graduates perform music, a graduation speaker and then the awarding of diploma's to our students.  There were 26 graduates that participated.  After we gave her the diploma, she gave me a rose and then shared a few words of thanks with us.

 The graduating class presented...

After this they tossed their caps and filed out!

A friend took photos with his camera, and will be sharing some with me.

Our friend Quinn graduated with Rachel and that is so special.  I hope that someone got photos of Quinn and Rachel together!

We were so blessed to have all our family, and many friends, including friends from church come to share this night with the girls.  Its at least an hour's drive without rush hour traffic to get there.  We are so thankful to be part of this fellowship.

This morning Tim and I are headed back to the convention.  I was a volunteer all day yesterday, and today I'll do my listening and shopping!

The kids are all at home.  Air soft is on tap for today for them.  Tomorrow afternoon we're having a joint grad party for Quinn and Rachel.


Vee said...

Oh she is wearing a million dollar smile! Graduates always look so happy. I know that you are both so proud of her and all her accomplishments because you're wearing those million dollar smiles, too. Happy days!

podso said...

I've just caught up on your posts. I like what you did with the chair with the lighter color. It's nice you enjoy messing with it and it will be a cute accent piece for some child (I can guess) to sit on! Congratulations to both student and her teachers! on the milestone graduation…that's big and you deserve a diploma too!

Sue said...

Congratulations to Rachel, and to her friend Quinn, and to you for your diligence in teaching! Wishing them much success and happiness on this new journey!

Cheryl said...

Looks like it was a great day for all!! I love that the grads are given the opportunity to say something about/to their parents. Knowing that Rachel and Bekah are somewhat similar in personality, I can imagine that that was out of her comfort zone...but she did it! Way to go, Rachel!!

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