Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Co-Latha Breith Sona (Happy Birthday!)

We celebrated my dad's birthday Wednesday night.  We decided to make it Scottish themed, and turned the living room into a Scottish Manor House.

Kyle looked very dapper!  My family is part of Clan Donald and my husband's clan is Campbell.  Sort of like the Hatfield's and the McCoy's!  Kyle is wearing the Campbell tartan on his bowtie.

Lindsay and I made real Scottish Fish and Chips.  I bought wild caught Haddock from Norway, and I made homemade tartar sauce.  We also cooked some chicken for those who may not want fish.

I forgot to get a photo of the desserts but I made yellow layer cake with whipped cream and strawberries, and Lindsay made two rustic apple tarts!

My mom invited three couples but I only got photos of two of the couples!   

My parents have really good friends!  We like them all!

The most special part of this evening was when Sarah, accompanied by Nate and Rachel, sang for my Dad.  You see, months ago, my dad told Sarah that her voice was the kind that would sound just right singing Scottish and other gaelic folk songs.  So she talked to her voice teacher and Sarah learned one!  She was very nervous but she did so well!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday


Cheryl said...

So my party-planning friend has pulled off another success!! What a wonderful event. I know that your dad must have been thrilled!

I loved listening to Sarah as she sang this lilting melody. So pretty...

Melissa G said...

Beautiful song Sarah!

Unknown said...

I don't normally comment but that singing took me back. Sarah you did a great job. I live in Southern uk but i have Scottish relatives. Over forty years ago I had a Scottish headmaster who was very strict but very funny. He would dance into the classroom doing the Highland Fling. He taught us so many of these songs and this one had me right back there. I hope Sarah learns some more. This is my favourite and I still sing it to my children
Bonnie Charlie's noo awa
Safely o'er the friendly main;
He'rts will a'most break in twa
Should he no' come back again.
Will ye no' come back again?
Will ye no' come back again?
Better lo'ed ye canna be
Will ye no' come back again?
Ye trusted in your Hieland men
They trusted you, dear Charlie;
They kent you hiding in the glen,
Your cleadin' was but barely.*
English bribes were a' in vain
An' e'en tho puirer we may be
Siller canna buy the heart
That beats aye for thine and thee.
We watch'd thee in the gloamin' hour
We watch'd thee in the mornin' grey
Tho' thirty thousand pound they'd gi'e
Oh, there is nane that wad betray.
Sweet's the laverock's note and lang,
Liltin' wildly up the glen,
But aye to me he sings ane sang,
Will ye no come back again?
Posie (for some reason I'm stuck in my husband's account)

Becky K. said...

Oh, I'll bet he loved it!! I had tears in my eyes. Having his Grandchildren come together to make his favorite song had to be meaningful. So proud of Sarah. She really was nervous but worked through her nerves.

Vee said...

Ohhhhh...what a dear birthday gift! Such a lovely celebration for your dad. Happy Birthday wishes from a half Scot of the Stewart clan (John). Loved the video and hearing Sarah's sweet voice.

podso said...

A fun party for your father. You did transform your house and Sarah's singing was a beautiful gift! And she has a beautiful gift!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

What a great celebration! Such love shown in the planning and participation.

Sherry said...

my goodness. what a gift of love ..
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Elizabeth said...

A wonderful celebration !

Buttercup said...

Happy birthday to your father. I know I'd enjoy the menu, the entertainment and surely, the company.

Stacey said...

Sarah did such a wonderful job! My son took voice lessons for years and it's hard for them to stand up and sing in front of everyone. I know this made your dad's birthday so much more special. ;)

Happy TOHOT and Happy Mother's Day. ;)

Rebecca said...

What an incredibly creative celebration! You are amazing.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Dad! I know he was thrilled with all the festivities! You made his day so special with all your hard work and it really shows. What a wonderful party!

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