Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cleaning Up After The Weekend

Tim and I were away from Thursday night until Saturday night. The kids came home Friday night with Lindsay and Joseph and then there was a big Airsoft event here on Saturday.  This house gets used which is how we like it.

After church yesterday, we went to our friends home, where we helped host a grad party for Rachel and our friend Quinn.  It was fun!  Tim and I arrived home from that after 8:00pm and the kids almost two hours later.

This is how the house looks this morning, though I admit to moving the blanket and pillow before I decided to take the photos.

The kids are sleeping in a bit and when they get up this will all be tidy in no time.

I don't mind these kinds of messes.  They are a sign of life being lived, fun being had, and events being celebrated!

Joining Bernideen for BTTCG and Sandi for No Place Like Home


Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
I love your sweet - warm - friendly home. It looks just like my house with stuff as I regularly move things for photo shoots and of course the phrase "can we eat it now?" is often heard. I love your floors too! Thanks for sharing and linking.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I love a home that opens its doors always for family and friends. A lot of love and friendship reign there. I'm sure the Lord is pleased! This summer I will have six to seven adults and five little ones underfoot as everyone will be home for vacation. It is such a blessing to have one's loved ones around. Thank you for sharing and linking and have a lovely day.


At Rivercrest Cottage said...

love when people are brave enough to show the rooms in their real life state. still lovely and comfy too. inspiring.

Vee said...

I only wish that my home looked so good after a house full of happy partiers; it doesn't. Hope that you have all settled down to a nice calm after the busyness of grad week. Then I know it'll be on to the next thing because something is always going on down there.

Linda said...

Not bad at all!!!

Cheryl said...

It looks pretty good to me!! Just a smidgen of lived-in-and-loved!! :)

podso said...

Yes it's the best mess I've seen! And happy memories floating around.

Information Friday

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