Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Thrifted Treasures

Last week, while out running errands, I popped into a thrift store in a nearby town, that I rarely go into, though I drive by on a regular basis.  When I go through this town I am on my way somewhere else, and I was this time too, but decided to come that way on my way home and stop in.  I am so glad that I did.

I love thrift stores.  Not just for the fact that some of the money goes to help others, but because I feel like a rescuer of lost treasures.

First up was this first edition of Sea Star by Marguerite Henry.

 The dust cover has seen better days but the book is in good condition, including an inscription to to someone.  It was given for Christmas the year it was first published which is 1949.  I'm sad to think this book was in someone's personal family collection, and no one wanted it so it was given away.  I'm happy to have rescued it.  It may end up as a gift for a horse loving daughter for her personal library.  Oh, and the cost? $2.00  I saw a copy in similar condition for sale on line for $40.

I always look for books, of course, and found these that caught my eye.
 Longbourn by Jo Baker, tells the tale of those who serve 'downstairs' in Pride and Prejudice.  I'm interested in reading that soon.  Mr. Darcy's Daughters by Elizabeth Aston caught my eye, too since I am a Pride and Prejudice fan.  Not of all the 'sequels' are worth reading, but for .50 cents I thought this one was worth giving a try.  Then C.S. Lewis - I've heard of the book but have never read it.  My girls will be interested as well.

The next treasure is a dust ruffle.  My mom had been looking for one and the only kind she could find easily are the more tailored style.  Knowing that dust ruffles were hard to find, when I saw this white embroidered one that fits my bed, I checked it out, then put it back, then came back to it and put it in my cart.  I figured for $4.00 it was a good buy.  It was!  I love how it looks on my bed!

I always look at dishes and glass ware, too.  I found this silver plated footed tray.  I cleaned it a bit but need some cleaner so I haven't finished it yet.

 It has a pretty monogram in the middle! It was $1.00 - seriously.

 The last treasure to show you is the first that I found.  I love history and Williamsburg, Virginia is a favored place of mine.  I spotted these prints behind some dishes, on a bottom shelf.  I hung them over my desk.

They are of the Bruton Parish Church

 The Raleigh Tavern

 and the Capitol.
The artist is Coby Carlson, and I found one of his litho prints of the Raleigh Tavern for sale on line for more than I paid, which was $2.50 each.  These are special to me because of the interest I have in American Colonial History. They are not matted but the frames are decent, but I may paint them.  Eventually I may matte them as well, but we'll see.

I appreciate that other folks don't think of these items as treasure, but I sure do, and I am thankful to be able to furnish my home at such low costs.  I like to think that I am rescuing once loved items as well, and giving them new life.

Do you like to hunt for treasure at thrift shops, too?  What is your best find ever?

Joining Bernideen for BTTCG and Sandi for No Place Like Home.

Also joining The Scoop @ StoneGable


Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
Yes, I have been to those places in Williamsburg starting as a child in 2nd grade. I was born in Hampton and went to High School at Yorktown. You found some great treasures. Thanks for sharing and linking.

Mimi said...

Oh my goodness, what wonderful finds! As a child, I ADORED Marguerite Henry's books, so I definitely would have snatched that one up, too! The prints are beautiful, and I always pick up silver trays of any kind when I find them--they are so useful, especially around the holidays. I once tried to sew a gathered dust ruffle...let's just say $4.00 was an absolute steal! Ha! Plus it looks great on your bed!

Have a wonderful day!

Estelle's said...

Love this! Would you believe I have those Williamsburg prints? Both my parents, my sister and I bought those prints while living in Virginia...they are quite large and beautifully framed...they now hang in my daughter's home in Atlanta...a perfect your treasures Deanna! Have a lovely week!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh, what wonderful treasures, Deanna! I would enjoy reading those books too especially CS Lewis. The tray is lovely and the dust ruffle a real bargain. I like the prints too. You did very well. Thanks for sharing with us and have a beautiful day.


Margie said...

What fun finds, Deanna. I also enjoy treasure hunting at thrift stores and "rescuing" teawares. Ha!

Vee said...

Oh you did find some treasures! The bed skirt alone would have put you back a whole lot if purchased elsewhere. I love bedskirts, too. They hide a multitude of boxes under the bed! LOL

I do like thrifting, but my budget does not allow me much of it and I already have so much. My favorite find was an antique ball jar filled with white glass buttons for 2 or 3 dollars. I have used them a lot.

Linda said...

You found some beautiful treasures! I absolutely love thrift stores! You have a lovely blog. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Tim said...

I loooooooove thrift stores. What great deals you got. Wow! I find thrift store shopping much more fun than regular stores. Going to a thrift is like a treasure hunt. You never know what you might find! Its also nice to have a wider variety of styles to choose from instead of just the latest trends.

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