Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Garden: Peonies In Bloom

One of my favorite times of the year is here - The Peonies are in bloom!

 There are actually two different kinds here.  The ones above are from my front garden and have the most divine scent.  These below are nearly the same color, though if you look carefully you will see the shapes of the petals are different.

These peonies are so gorgeous every year.

The pale pinks are not in bloom yet.  Hopefully in a few days. Those peonies are so beautiful, but don't have much scent.

What's blooming in your garden?

Joining Bernideen and Sandi!


Becky K. said...

Mmmm.....they are just so gorgeous!!

podso said...

I'm glad they are here! Beautiful shades. I like your new header too!

Estelle's said...

Your peonies are stunning Deanna! This was my mother's favorite flower so I always make sure to have some planted just for her. I planted pale pink in Maine but these vibrant fuschia pink are just gorgeous!

Rebecca said...

I ran out and checked! Our single peony plant (inherited) has bloomed. Very, very pale pink. Also blooming: Yellow lilac, blue bee balm, some spiderwort and white roses, just beginning to open.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Your peonies are gorgeous, Deanna! My tulips are up and the bleeding hearts are starting to come out. I love the colour it brings to our yard. Thanks for sharing.


xinex said...

Your peonies are gorgeous! I love them but I don't think they will grow i. fL.

Thelma said...

I love the your peonies colors. I grow some here in Eastern Canada. They bloom the end of July. I have the Japanese one which is a bright read and a pink one. They smell so nice.

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
Mine have all bloomed as they came early here - mostly April and into May but now done. I was amazed at all the ants in them and soaked the heads. They just kept coming out. I see a some that were ones I bought which were just the root bulb have come up but probably bloom next year. I guess that's why they were so cheap - Sam's and Walmart have them in the packages. Thanks for sharing and linking this beauty!!!

Sandi Magle said...

Ah, my white peonies just opened a few this morning, they are always the first. Can't wait until I can gather an armful for a bouquet, relish!

My burgundies are a way off yet...just getting buds now----we are soon far behind here in Chicagoland. Sandi

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