Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


My dear friend Vee, lost her precious husband on Saturday.  On the Sunday before his aorta tore and he was life flighted and underwent 6 hours of surgery.  He was in a coma all that week, and early in the morning on Saturday the 28th, the Lord called that good man home.  I am thankful to be able to say that I met John in person and he was such a kind and gracious man.  I'm looking forward to heaven a bit more now.  Vee - you are loved.

I read a really good blog post on Memorial Day regarding expectations.  You can read it here.  I say a hearty Amen, to her thoughts.

Work on the bathroom stepped up a notch on Monday.  After gathering all we needed on Saturday, I filled holes and sanded a tad and began cutting in the paint in the hall bathroom.  I didn't like it.  It was a bit deeper in color than the color I had taken in to try to match.  I was going for soft and tones of white/neutrals and this was just tan.  Bleh.  I stopped what I was doing and had a phone conversation with Tim.

After he got home from PAINTING a business today, he helped me mix the paint with white paint we already had and we lightened it up and went for it.  It looks different in different light and the main light is off the wall right now so we only have the overhead fan light.  I'll take a few photos along the journey, and we'll see how it turns out.  Its not bad already - its just not exactly what I had in mind.  I'm sure you know what I mean.

Today is Rachel's birthday!  She's 17, so hard to believe!  She is a delight to our family, and we are so thankful for her.  I'm grateful to say that she is not only my daughter, but she is my friend.

I am thankful for the relationship I have with all my girls (including my daughter in law), and with my Mom.  Last night a few of us went to see the new film based on Jane Austen's book Lady Susan.  It's called Love and Friendship, and we laughed out loud in some parts of this movie.  It was very enjoyable and so nice to go out together to see it.

Friendships, between family or friends has to be cultivated.  They take work to maintain and to sustain.  Some are easy, and some are harder, but usually they are worth keeping and investing in.  Of course sometimes, the relationship gets to be one sided, or there are legitimate issues that require you to establish clear boundaries,  or even to end the relationship.  I've had the opportunity to work through some relationships in my life and I've been so glad, that even though it may have been painful, it was worth it.  There have been a few that I had to let go, and that was the right thing to do.  Sometimes its hard to know what the right thing to do is in these situations, but if we walk closely to the Lord and ask Him for his thoughts about it, He is happy to give us direction.

There are a lot more ponderings in this mind - Oh, if you only knew!  But I think that's enough for today.


Lorrie said...

I've been thinking about Vee so much in these past days, and praying for her. Such a hard thing.
Your ponderings are lovely, as are your roses, and your daughter.

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! What a beautiful Daughter you have! So sorry to hear about Vee's Husband:( SO SAD! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Oh so sorry about Vee. Yes, to your ponderings ...thanks for the visit!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

So sad about John and I think Vee knows there are many bloggers praying for her and the family.
Happy Birthday to your Rachel and thanks for the link to Joni's wonderful post on expectations.

Donna said...

I don't know Vee but will be praying for her...Bless her heart...
Happy Birthday to your Rachel!

podso said...

Appreciated your ponderings. Hope the painting goes well and that you are happy with it!

Debby Ray said...

Rachel is a real beauty...I am sure you are very proud of her as you are all of your children. Never having a daughter, I cherish my relationship with my precious DIL, who I was able to spend time with over the Memorial Day weekend, as she and my youngest and their two kiddos came from Nashville for a visit! Yes, my heart is breaking for Vee and has been since I heard the news a couple of days ago. When you wake up in the middle of the night thinking and praying for someone you have never met, it reinforces that these blogging relationships we have are very REAL and there is a kindred spirit among many of us. I pray for God to comfort and sustain her her and the family through this sad time. Enjoy the rest of your week, Deanna.

Cheryl said...

Loved the little insight into your ponderings...

Happy birthday to Rachel!! It is a lovely thing when a daughter is a friend!!

I know the frustration of the wrong paint color. Sometimes it can be tweaked, and sometimes you just have to start over. Hope that your tweaking was successful.

Continuing to pray and grieve with our dear friend Vee...

Rebecca said...

I was very sad to hear of Vee's husband's death.
Your "ponderings" on relationship are wise.
The peonies are lovely - I like the way you have displayed them in that last photo...

Linda said...

I loved this post! Your daughter is beautiful!

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